KF5 Update Meeting Minutes 2013-w50

Àlex Fiestas afiestas at kde.org
Tue Dec 10 15:50:21 UTC 2013

These are the minutes of Week 50 KF5 meeting. As usual it has been held on 
#kde-devel at 4pm (CET / UTC+1) time.

Present on the meeting:
dMaggot, Sho_, markg85, d_ed, vHanda, teo- mck182, apol, agateau, mgrasslin, 
sebas, afiestas

	-By popular demand Tuesday meeting is now KF5 only.
	-There is going to be a breakage before splitting,  summary of the change:
	   findings are now KF5Foo instead of KFoo (KF5Archive instead of KArchive)
	   Linking is now KF5::Foo instead of KF5::KFoo (KF5::Archive instead of 		

Topics discussed:
*mck182: Finished renaming of tier1/tier3
	-It has been discussed how to proceed with the renaming, agateau will write 
some scripts to port most of the code using KF5 right now.

*apol: Jhon Layt has gone AWOL and he has the " KLocale API for KF5 on time 
formatting and byte size formatting" working, no patches are known though.

*agateau: Waiting for a final decision on the include prefix 
*agateau: Work on dependency diagrams (http://agateau.com/2013/12/05/kf5-diagrams/)
*agateau: Working on integrating the diagrams with apidox

*mgrasslin: Moved KGlobalAccel from XmlGui to tier1
*mgrasslin: Now looking in a KWindowSystem issue

*sebas: Fixed a crash in Plasma Framework

*afiestas: Fixed issues that appeared from the KStandardDir to QStandardPath 


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