Suggestion: create an own framework for KGlobalAccel

Martin Graesslin mgraesslin at
Sun Dec 8 09:16:36 UTC 2013


at the moment KGlobalAccel is part of XmlGui which I consider semantically 
wrong. Global shortcuts have nothing to do with XmlGui and there are quite 
some examples for applications which need global shortcuts but do not use xml 
gui (e.g. everything in the desktop shell).

My suggestion is to move the following source files into an own framework:
* kglobalaccel.cpp
* kglobalaccel.h
* kglobalaccel_p.h
* kglobalshortcutinfo.cpp
* kglobalshortcutinfo.h
* kglobalshortcutinfo_dbus.cpp
* kglobalshortcutinfo_p.h
* org.kde.kglobalaccel.Component.xml
* org.kde.KGlobalAccel.xml

From checking the source files this would become a tier1 framework as the 
dependencies are:
* QtCore
* QtDBus
* QtWidgets
* QtX11Extras



P.S. I blame Aurélien and his diagrams for this proposal. It made me look into 
the dependencies of KWin and I had a "wtf why are we linking sonnet?" moment 
and looked into what we used of XmlGui.
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