Dialogs, QPT and Qt5

Kevin Ottens ervin at kde.org
Sun Dec 1 18:57:23 UTC 2013


On Friday 29 November 2013 21:05:42 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> El Divendres, 29 de novembre de 2013, a les 12:22:48, Kevin Ottens va
> escriure:
> > Overall my point is that it's mostly features which really belongs
> > upstream.
> Right, but they don't exist at the moment, do they?

Nope. They're not really gone either in the interim. It's not a shame for an 
application to keep using kde4support for a little while if needed. We got 
apps using kde3support for a while.

> Why do you hate those features and need to kill them now?

I hope you realize that painting that in love/hate is overly simplistic.

> What about apps that use those features? What are we going to tell the
> developers?

If it's really essential to them: help us get the feature upstream, use 
kde4support in the meantime.

And to get back to the set of features mentioned initially. We can have all of 
them without kde4support (KFontChooser being available in kwidgetsaddons) 
except two:
 * Having a revert button in QColorDialog to get back to the default color;
 * Loading a list of palettes in QColorDialog.

AFAICT both don't have API, but are features provided by the GUI. So if/once 
we upstream applications will get it as Qt releases are rolled out. Nothing to 
block a release for IMO.

Kévin Ottens, http://ervin.ipsquad.net

KDAB - proud supporter of KDE, http://www.kdab.com
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