[PATCH 21/23] kcalendarsystem: Make monthName() a simple virtual function.

Jon Severinsson jon at severinsson.net
Fri Oct 12 15:13:56 UTC 2012

Also move the implementations to the end of their respective file to make the rest move navigatable.
 kdecore/date/kcalendarsystem.cpp                 |   32 +--
 kdecore/date/kcalendarsystem.h                   |    2 +-
 kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemcoptic.cpp           |  304 ++++++++++----------
 kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemcoptic_p.h           |    1 -
 kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemcopticprivate_p.h    |    1 -
 kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemethiopian.cpp        |  201 +++++++------
 kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemethiopian_p.h        |    1 -
 kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemgregorian.cpp        |  328 +++++++++++----------
 kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemgregorian_p.h        |    1 -
 kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemgregorianprivate_p.h |    1 -
 kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemhebrew.cpp           |  287 ++++++++++---------
 kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemhebrew_p.h           |    1 -
 kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemindiannational.cpp   |  273 +++++++++---------
 kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemindiannational_p.h   |    1 -
 kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemislamiccivil.cpp     |  329 +++++++++++-----------
 kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemislamiccivil_p.h     |    1 -
 kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjalali.cpp           |  329 +++++++++++-----------
 kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjalali_p.h           |    1 -
 kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjapanese.cpp         |   10 -
 kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjapanese_p.h         |    3 -
 kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjulian.cpp           |  283 +++++++++----------
 kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjulian_p.h           |    1 -
 kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemminguo.cpp           |   11 -
 kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemminguo_p.h           |    3 -
 kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemprivate_p.h          |    1 -
 kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemqdate.cpp            |  329 +++++++++++-----------
 kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemqdate_p.h            |    1 -
 27 filer ändrade, 1289 tillägg(+), 1447 borttagningar(-)

diff --git a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystem.cpp b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystem.cpp
index 13a656c..b937823 100644
--- a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystem.cpp
+++ b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystem.cpp
@@ -1162,39 +1162,11 @@ QDate KCalendarSystem::lastDayOfMonth(const QDate &date) const
     return QDate();
-QString KCalendarSystem::monthName(int month, int year, KCalendarSystem::MonthNameFormat format) const
-    Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
-    if (!isValid(year, month, 1)) {
-        return QString();
-    }
-    if (format == KCalendarSystem::NarrowName) {
-        return d->monthName(month, year, KLocale::NarrowName, false);
-    }
-    if (format == KCalendarSystem::ShortNamePossessive) {
-        return d->monthName(month, year, KLocale::ShortName, true);
-    }
-    if (format == KCalendarSystem::ShortName) {
-        return d->monthName(month, year, KLocale::ShortName, false);
-    }
-    if (format == KCalendarSystem::LongNamePossessive) {
-        return d->monthName(month, year, KLocale::LongName, true);
-    }
-    // KCalendarSystem::LongName or any other
-    return d->monthName(month, year, KLocale::LongName, false);
 QString KCalendarSystem::monthName(const QDate &date, MonthNameFormat format) const
     if (isValid(date)) {
-        int year, month;
-        getDate(date, &year, &month, 0);
+        int year, month, day;
+        julianDayToDate(date.toJulianDay(), year, month, day);
         return monthName(month, year, format);
diff --git a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystem.h b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystem.h
index 3bac854..1ab8b8f 100644
--- a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystem.h
+++ b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystem.h
@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ public:
      * @param format specifies whether the short month name or long month name should be used
      * @return name of the month, empty string if any error
-    virtual QString monthName(const QDate &date, MonthNameFormat format = LongName) const;
+    QString monthName(const QDate &date, MonthNameFormat format = LongName) const;
      * Gets specific calendar type week day name.
diff --git a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemcoptic.cpp b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemcoptic.cpp
index d06b5a9..82bcc42 100644
--- a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemcoptic.cpp
+++ b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemcoptic.cpp
@@ -116,6 +116,148 @@ int KCalendarSystemCopticPrivate::latestValidYear() const
     return 9999;
+KCalendarSystemCoptic::KCalendarSystemCoptic(const KSharedConfig::Ptr config, const KLocale *locale)
+                     : KCalendarSystem(*new KCalendarSystemCopticPrivate(this), config, locale)
+    d_ptr->loadConfig(calendarType());
+KCalendarSystemCoptic::KCalendarSystemCoptic(KCalendarSystemCopticPrivate &dd,
+                                             const KSharedConfig::Ptr config, const KLocale *locale)
+                     : KCalendarSystem(dd, config, locale)
+    d_ptr->loadConfig(calendarType());
+QString KCalendarSystemCoptic::calendarType() const
+    return QLatin1String("coptic");
+KLocale::CalendarSystem KCalendarSystemCoptic::calendarSystem() const
+    return KLocale::CopticCalendar;
+QDate KCalendarSystemCoptic::epoch() const
+    //0001-01-01, no Year 0.
+    //0284-08-29 AD Julian
+    return QDate::fromJulianDay(1825030);
+QDate KCalendarSystemCoptic::earliestValidDate() const
+    //0001-01-01, no Year 0.
+    //0284-08-29 AD Julian
+    return QDate::fromJulianDay(1825030);
+QDate KCalendarSystemCoptic::latestValidDate() const
+    // Set to last day of year 9999 until confirm date formats & widgets support > 9999
+    //9999-12-30
+    //10283-08-29 AD Julian
+    return QDate::fromJulianDay(5477164);
+bool KCalendarSystemCoptic::isLeapYear(int year) const
+    return KCalendarSystem::isLeapYear(year);
+bool KCalendarSystemCoptic::isLeapYear(const QDate &date) const
+    return KCalendarSystem::isLeapYear(date);
+bool KCalendarSystemCoptic::isLunar() const
+    return false;
+bool KCalendarSystemCoptic::isLunisolar() const
+    return false;
+bool KCalendarSystemCoptic::isSolar() const
+    return true;
+bool KCalendarSystemCoptic::isProleptic() const
+    return false;
+bool KCalendarSystemCoptic::julianDayToDate(qint64 jd, int &year, int &month, int &day) const
+    //The Coptic calendar has 12 months of 30 days, a 13th month of 5 or 6 days,
+    //and a leap year every 4th year without fail that falls on the last day of
+    //the year, starting from year 3.
+    //Use a fake year 0 for our epoch instead of the real epoch in year 1. This is because year 3
+    //is the first leap year and a pattern of 365/365/366/365 is hard to calculate, instead a
+    //pattern of 365/365/365/366 with the leap day the very last day makes the maths easier.
+    //Day number in the fake epoch, 0 indexed
+    int dayInEpoch = jd - (epoch().toJulianDay() - 365);
+    //How many full 4 year leap cycles have been completed, 1461 = (365*3)+366
+    int leapCyclesCompleted = dayInEpoch / 1461;
+    //Which year are we in the current 4 year leap cycle, 0 indexed
+    //Need the qMin as day 366 of 4th year of cycle returns following year (max 3 as 0 index)
+    int yearInCurrentLeapCycle = qMin(3, (dayInEpoch % 1461) / 365);
+    //Calculate the year
+    year = (leapCyclesCompleted * 4) + yearInCurrentLeapCycle;
+    //Days since the fake epoch up to 1st day of this year
+    int daysBeforeThisYear = (year * 365) + (year / 4);
+    //Gives the day number in this year, 0 indexed
+    int dayOfThisYear = dayInEpoch -  daysBeforeThisYear;
+    //Then just calculate month and day from that based on regular 30 day months
+    month = ((dayOfThisYear) / 30) + 1;
+    day = dayOfThisYear - ((month - 1) * 30) + 1;
+    // If year is -ve then is BC.  In Coptic there is no year 0, but the maths
+    // is easier if we pretend there is, so internally year of 0 = 1BC = -1 outside
+    if (year < 1) {
+        year = year - 1;
+    }
+    return true;
+bool KCalendarSystemCoptic::dateToJulianDay(int year, int month, int day, qint64 &jd) const
+    //The Coptic calendar has 12 months of 30 days, a 13th month of 5 or 6 days,
+    //and a leap year every 4th year without fail that falls on the last day of
+    //the year, starting from year 3.  This simple repeating pattern makes calculating
+    // a jd the simple process taking the epoch jd and adding on the years months and
+    //days required.
+    // If year is -ve then is 'BC'.  In Coptic there is no year 0, but the maths
+    // is easier if we pretend there is, so internally year of -1 = 1BC = 0 internally
+    int y;
+    if (year < 1) {
+        y = year + 1;
+    } else {
+        y = year;
+    }
+    jd = epoch().toJulianDay() - 1    // jd of day before Epoch
+         + ((y - 1) * 365)              // Add all normal days in years preceding
+         + (y / 4)                      // Add all leap days in years preceding
+         + ((month - 1) * 30)           // Add days this year in months preceding
+         + day;                         // Add days in this month
+    return true;
 // Names taken from Bohairic dialect transliterations in http://www.copticheritage.org/parameters/copticheritage/calendar/The_Coptic_Calendar.pdf
 // These differ from the transliterations found on Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coptic_calendar
 // These differ from the Sahidic dialect transliterations used in Dershowitz & Reingold which went out of use in the 11th centuary
@@ -141,11 +283,11 @@ int KCalendarSystemCopticPrivate::latestValidYear() const
 //  * Mesore          Mesori           Mesorē          Mesra           Mesra
 //  * Kouji nabot     Pi Kogi Enavot   Epagomenē                       Nasie
 //  *
-QString KCalendarSystemCopticPrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::DateTimeComponentFormat format, bool possessive) const
+QString KCalendarSystemCoptic::monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format) const
-    if (format == KLocale::NarrowName) {
+    if (format == NarrowName) {
         switch (month) {
         case 1:
             return ki18nc("Coptic month 1 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "T").toString(locale());
@@ -178,7 +320,7 @@ QString KCalendarSystemCopticPrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::Da
-    if (format == KLocale::ShortName && possessive) {
+    if (format == ShortNamePossessive) {
         switch (month) {
         case 1:
             return ki18nc("Coptic month 1 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Tho").toString(locale());
@@ -211,7 +353,7 @@ QString KCalendarSystemCopticPrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::Da
-    if (format == KLocale::ShortName && !possessive) {
+    if (format == ShortName) {
         switch (month) {
         case 1:
             return ki18nc("Coptic month 1 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Tho").toString(locale());
@@ -244,7 +386,7 @@ QString KCalendarSystemCopticPrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::Da
-    if (format == KLocale::LongName && possessive) {
+    if (format == LongNamePossessive) {
         switch (month) {
         case 1:
             return ki18nc("Coptic month 1 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Thoout").toString(locale());
@@ -309,155 +451,3 @@ QString KCalendarSystemCopticPrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::Da
         return QString();
-KCalendarSystemCoptic::KCalendarSystemCoptic(const KSharedConfig::Ptr config, const KLocale *locale)
-                     : KCalendarSystem(*new KCalendarSystemCopticPrivate(this), config, locale)
-    d_ptr->loadConfig(calendarType());
-KCalendarSystemCoptic::KCalendarSystemCoptic(KCalendarSystemCopticPrivate &dd,
-                                             const KSharedConfig::Ptr config, const KLocale *locale)
-                     : KCalendarSystem(dd, config, locale)
-    d_ptr->loadConfig(calendarType());
-QString KCalendarSystemCoptic::calendarType() const
-    return QLatin1String("coptic");
-KLocale::CalendarSystem KCalendarSystemCoptic::calendarSystem() const
-    return KLocale::CopticCalendar;
-QDate KCalendarSystemCoptic::epoch() const
-    //0001-01-01, no Year 0.
-    //0284-08-29 AD Julian
-    return QDate::fromJulianDay(1825030);
-QDate KCalendarSystemCoptic::earliestValidDate() const
-    //0001-01-01, no Year 0.
-    //0284-08-29 AD Julian
-    return QDate::fromJulianDay(1825030);
-QDate KCalendarSystemCoptic::latestValidDate() const
-    // Set to last day of year 9999 until confirm date formats & widgets support > 9999
-    //9999-12-30
-    //10283-08-29 AD Julian
-    return QDate::fromJulianDay(5477164);
-bool KCalendarSystemCoptic::isLeapYear(int year) const
-    return KCalendarSystem::isLeapYear(year);
-bool KCalendarSystemCoptic::isLeapYear(const QDate &date) const
-    return KCalendarSystem::isLeapYear(date);
-QString KCalendarSystemCoptic::monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format) const
-    return KCalendarSystem::monthName(month, year, format);
-QString KCalendarSystemCoptic::monthName(const QDate &date, MonthNameFormat format) const
-    return KCalendarSystem::monthName(date, format);
-bool KCalendarSystemCoptic::isLunar() const
-    return false;
-bool KCalendarSystemCoptic::isLunisolar() const
-    return false;
-bool KCalendarSystemCoptic::isSolar() const
-    return true;
-bool KCalendarSystemCoptic::isProleptic() const
-    return false;
-bool KCalendarSystemCoptic::julianDayToDate(qint64 jd, int &year, int &month, int &day) const
-    //The Coptic calendar has 12 months of 30 days, a 13th month of 5 or 6 days,
-    //and a leap year every 4th year without fail that falls on the last day of
-    //the year, starting from year 3.
-    //Use a fake year 0 for our epoch instead of the real epoch in year 1. This is because year 3
-    //is the first leap year and a pattern of 365/365/366/365 is hard to calculate, instead a
-    //pattern of 365/365/365/366 with the leap day the very last day makes the maths easier.
-    //Day number in the fake epoch, 0 indexed
-    int dayInEpoch = jd - (epoch().toJulianDay() - 365);
-    //How many full 4 year leap cycles have been completed, 1461 = (365*3)+366
-    int leapCyclesCompleted = dayInEpoch / 1461;
-    //Which year are we in the current 4 year leap cycle, 0 indexed
-    //Need the qMin as day 366 of 4th year of cycle returns following year (max 3 as 0 index)
-    int yearInCurrentLeapCycle = qMin(3, (dayInEpoch % 1461) / 365);
-    //Calculate the year
-    year = (leapCyclesCompleted * 4) + yearInCurrentLeapCycle;
-    //Days since the fake epoch up to 1st day of this year
-    int daysBeforeThisYear = (year * 365) + (year / 4);
-    //Gives the day number in this year, 0 indexed
-    int dayOfThisYear = dayInEpoch -  daysBeforeThisYear;
-    //Then just calculate month and day from that based on regular 30 day months
-    month = ((dayOfThisYear) / 30) + 1;
-    day = dayOfThisYear - ((month - 1) * 30) + 1;
-    // If year is -ve then is BC.  In Coptic there is no year 0, but the maths
-    // is easier if we pretend there is, so internally year of 0 = 1BC = -1 outside
-    if (year < 1) {
-        year = year - 1;
-    }
-    return true;
-bool KCalendarSystemCoptic::dateToJulianDay(int year, int month, int day, qint64 &jd) const
-    //The Coptic calendar has 12 months of 30 days, a 13th month of 5 or 6 days,
-    //and a leap year every 4th year without fail that falls on the last day of
-    //the year, starting from year 3.  This simple repeating pattern makes calculating
-    // a jd the simple process taking the epoch jd and adding on the years months and
-    //days required.
-    // If year is -ve then is 'BC'.  In Coptic there is no year 0, but the maths
-    // is easier if we pretend there is, so internally year of -1 = 1BC = 0 internally
-    int y;
-    if (year < 1) {
-        y = year + 1;
-    } else {
-        y = year;
-    }
-    jd = epoch().toJulianDay() - 1    // jd of day before Epoch
-         + ((y - 1) * 365)              // Add all normal days in years preceding
-         + (y / 4)                      // Add all leap days in years preceding
-         + ((month - 1) * 30)           // Add days this year in months preceding
-         + day;                         // Add days in this month
-    return true;
diff --git a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemcoptic_p.h b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemcoptic_p.h
index a660f6c..cb2a1bf 100644
--- a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemcoptic_p.h
+++ b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemcoptic_p.h
@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ public:
     virtual bool isLeapYear(const QDate &date) const;
     virtual QString monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format = LongName) const;
-    virtual QString monthName(const QDate &date, MonthNameFormat format = LongName) const;
     virtual bool isLunar() const;
     virtual bool isLunisolar() const;
diff --git a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemcopticprivate_p.h b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemcopticprivate_p.h
index ded0436..7b6f4b1 100644
--- a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemcopticprivate_p.h
+++ b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemcopticprivate_p.h
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ public:
     virtual int maxMonthsInYear() const;
     virtual int earliestValidYear() const;
     virtual int latestValidYear() const;
-    virtual QString monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::DateTimeComponentFormat format, bool possessive) const;
diff --git a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemethiopian.cpp b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemethiopian.cpp
index b0fb07e..ac51c76 100644
--- a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemethiopian.cpp
+++ b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemethiopian.cpp
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ public:
     virtual void loadDefaultEraList();
-    virtual QString monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::DateTimeComponentFormat format, bool possessive) const;
 void KCalendarSystemEthiopianPrivate::loadDefaultEraList()
@@ -50,12 +49,102 @@ void KCalendarSystemEthiopianPrivate::loadDefaultEraList()
     addEra('+', 1, q->epoch(), 1, q->latestValidDate(), name, shortName, format);
+KCalendarSystemEthiopian::KCalendarSystemEthiopian(const KSharedConfig::Ptr config, const KLocale *locale)
+                        : KCalendarSystemCoptic(*new KCalendarSystemEthiopianPrivate(this), config, locale)
+    d_ptr->loadConfig(calendarType());
+KCalendarSystemEthiopian::KCalendarSystemEthiopian(KCalendarSystemEthiopianPrivate &dd,
+                                                   const KSharedConfig::Ptr config, const KLocale *locale)
+                        : KCalendarSystemCoptic(dd, config, locale)
+    d_ptr->loadConfig(calendarType());
+QString KCalendarSystemEthiopian::calendarType() const
+    return QLatin1String("ethiopian");
+KLocale::CalendarSystem KCalendarSystemEthiopian::calendarSystem() const
+    return KLocale::EthiopianCalendar;
+QDate KCalendarSystemEthiopian::epoch() const
+    //0001-01-01, no Year 0.
+    //0008-08-29 AD Julian
+    return QDate::fromJulianDay(1724221);
+QDate KCalendarSystemEthiopian::earliestValidDate() const
+    //0001-01-01, no Year 0.
+    //0008-08-29 AD Julian
+    return QDate::fromJulianDay(1724221);
+QDate KCalendarSystemEthiopian::latestValidDate() const
+    // Set to last day of year 9999 until confirm date formats & widgets support > 9999
+    //9999-12-30
+    //100008-08-29 AD Julian
+    return QDate::fromJulianDay(5376721);
+bool KCalendarSystemEthiopian::isLeapYear(int year) const
+    return KCalendarSystemCoptic::isLeapYear(year);
+bool KCalendarSystemEthiopian::isLeapYear(const QDate &date) const
+    return KCalendarSystemCoptic::isLeapYear(date);
+bool KCalendarSystemEthiopian::isLunar() const
+    return KCalendarSystemCoptic::isLunar();
+bool KCalendarSystemEthiopian::isLunisolar() const
+    return KCalendarSystemCoptic::isLunisolar();
+bool KCalendarSystemEthiopian::isSolar() const
+    return KCalendarSystemCoptic::isSolar();
+bool KCalendarSystemEthiopian::isProleptic() const
+    return false;
+bool KCalendarSystemEthiopian::julianDayToDate(qint64 jd, int &year, int &month, int &day) const
+    return KCalendarSystemCoptic::julianDayToDate(jd, year, month, day);
+bool KCalendarSystemEthiopian::dateToJulianDay(int year, int month, int day, qint64 &jd) const
+    return KCalendarSystemCoptic::dateToJulianDay(year, month, day, jd);
 // Names taken from http://www.ethiopianembassy.at/dates_cycles.htm, alternative transliterations exist
-QString KCalendarSystemEthiopianPrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::DateTimeComponentFormat format, bool possessive) const
+QString KCalendarSystemEthiopian::monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format) const
-    if (format == KLocale::NarrowName) {
+    if (format == NarrowName) {
         switch (month) {
         case 1:
             return ki18nc("Ethiopian month 1 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "M").toString(locale());
@@ -88,7 +177,7 @@ QString KCalendarSystemEthiopianPrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLocale:
-    if (format == KLocale::ShortName && possessive) {
+    if (format == ShortNamePossessive) {
         switch (month) {
         case 1:
             return ki18nc("Ethiopian month 1 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Mes").toString(locale());
@@ -121,7 +210,7 @@ QString KCalendarSystemEthiopianPrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLocale:
-    if (format == KLocale::ShortName && !possessive) {
+    if (format == ShortName) {
         switch (month) {
         case 1:
             return ki18nc("Ethiopian month 1 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Mes").toString(locale());
@@ -154,7 +243,7 @@ QString KCalendarSystemEthiopianPrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLocale:
-    if (format == KLocale::LongName && possessive) {
+    if (format == LongNamePossessive) {
         switch (month) {
         case 1:
             return ki18nc("Ethiopian month 1 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Meskerem").toString(locale());
@@ -219,103 +308,3 @@ QString KCalendarSystemEthiopianPrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLocale:
         return QString();
-KCalendarSystemEthiopian::KCalendarSystemEthiopian(const KSharedConfig::Ptr config, const KLocale *locale)
-                        : KCalendarSystemCoptic(*new KCalendarSystemEthiopianPrivate(this), config, locale)
-    d_ptr->loadConfig(calendarType());
-KCalendarSystemEthiopian::KCalendarSystemEthiopian(KCalendarSystemEthiopianPrivate &dd,
-                                                   const KSharedConfig::Ptr config, const KLocale *locale)
-                        : KCalendarSystemCoptic(dd, config, locale)
-    d_ptr->loadConfig(calendarType());
-QString KCalendarSystemEthiopian::calendarType() const
-    return QLatin1String("ethiopian");
-KLocale::CalendarSystem KCalendarSystemEthiopian::calendarSystem() const
-    return KLocale::EthiopianCalendar;
-QDate KCalendarSystemEthiopian::epoch() const
-    //0001-01-01, no Year 0.
-    //0008-08-29 AD Julian
-    return QDate::fromJulianDay(1724221);
-QDate KCalendarSystemEthiopian::earliestValidDate() const
-    //0001-01-01, no Year 0.
-    //0008-08-29 AD Julian
-    return QDate::fromJulianDay(1724221);
-QDate KCalendarSystemEthiopian::latestValidDate() const
-    // Set to last day of year 9999 until confirm date formats & widgets support > 9999
-    //9999-12-30
-    //100008-08-29 AD Julian
-    return QDate::fromJulianDay(5376721);
-bool KCalendarSystemEthiopian::isLeapYear(int year) const
-    return KCalendarSystemCoptic::isLeapYear(year);
-bool KCalendarSystemEthiopian::isLeapYear(const QDate &date) const
-    return KCalendarSystemCoptic::isLeapYear(date);
-QString KCalendarSystemEthiopian::monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format) const
-    return KCalendarSystemCoptic::monthName(month, year, format);
-QString KCalendarSystemEthiopian::monthName(const QDate &date, MonthNameFormat format) const
-    return KCalendarSystemCoptic::monthName(date, format);
-bool KCalendarSystemEthiopian::isLunar() const
-    return KCalendarSystemCoptic::isLunar();
-bool KCalendarSystemEthiopian::isLunisolar() const
-    return KCalendarSystemCoptic::isLunisolar();
-bool KCalendarSystemEthiopian::isSolar() const
-    return KCalendarSystemCoptic::isSolar();
-bool KCalendarSystemEthiopian::isProleptic() const
-    return false;
-bool KCalendarSystemEthiopian::julianDayToDate(qint64 jd, int &year, int &month, int &day) const
-    return KCalendarSystemCoptic::julianDayToDate(jd, year, month, day);
-bool KCalendarSystemEthiopian::dateToJulianDay(int year, int month, int day, qint64 &jd) const
-    return KCalendarSystemCoptic::dateToJulianDay(year, month, day, jd);
diff --git a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemethiopian_p.h b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemethiopian_p.h
index e5d769f..558e090 100644
--- a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemethiopian_p.h
+++ b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemethiopian_p.h
@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ public:
     virtual bool isLeapYear(const QDate &date) const;
     virtual QString monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format = LongName) const;
-    virtual QString monthName(const QDate &date, MonthNameFormat format = LongName) const;
     virtual bool isLunar() const;
     virtual bool isLunisolar() const;
diff --git a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemgregorian.cpp b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemgregorian.cpp
index ef60ee9..5c9b070 100644
--- a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemgregorian.cpp
+++ b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemgregorian.cpp
@@ -146,165 +146,6 @@ int KCalendarSystemGregorianPrivate::latestValidYear() const
     return 9999;
-QString KCalendarSystemGregorianPrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::DateTimeComponentFormat format, bool possessive) const
-    Q_UNUSED(year);
-    if (format == KLocale::NarrowName) {
-        switch (month) {
-        case 1:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 1 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "J").toString(locale());
-        case 2:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 2 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "F").toString(locale());
-        case 3:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 3 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "M").toString(locale());
-        case 4:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 4 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "A").toString(locale());
-        case 5:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 5 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "M").toString(locale());
-        case 6:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 6 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "J").toString(locale());
-        case 7:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 7 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "J").toString(locale());
-        case 8:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 8 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "A").toString(locale());
-        case 9:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 9 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "S").toString(locale());
-        case 10:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 10 - KLocale::NarrowName", "O").toString(locale());
-        case 11:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 11 - KLocale::NarrowName", "N").toString(locale());
-        case 12:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 12 - KLocale::NarrowName", "D").toString(locale());
-        default:
-            return QString();
-        }
-    }
-    if (format == KLocale::ShortName && possessive) {
-        switch (month) {
-        case 1:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 1 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Jan").toString(locale());
-        case 2:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 2 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Feb").toString(locale());
-        case 3:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 3 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Mar").toString(locale());
-        case 4:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 4 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Apr").toString(locale());
-        case 5:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 5 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of May").toString(locale());
-        case 6:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 6 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Jun").toString(locale());
-        case 7:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 7 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Jul").toString(locale());
-        case 8:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 8 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Aug").toString(locale());
-        case 9:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 9 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Sep").toString(locale());
-        case 10:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 10 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive", "of Oct").toString(locale());
-        case 11:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 11 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive", "of Nov").toString(locale());
-        case 12:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 12 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive", "of Dec").toString(locale());
-        default:
-            return QString();
-        }
-    }
-    if (format == KLocale::ShortName && !possessive) {
-        switch (month) {
-        case 1:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 1 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Jan").toString(locale());
-        case 2:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 2 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Feb").toString(locale());
-        case 3:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 3 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Mar").toString(locale());
-        case 4:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 4 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Apr").toString(locale());
-        case 5:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 5 - KLocale::ShortName",  "May").toString(locale());
-        case 6:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 6 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Jun").toString(locale());
-        case 7:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 7 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Jul").toString(locale());
-        case 8:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 8 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Aug").toString(locale());
-        case 9:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 9 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Sep").toString(locale());
-        case 10:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 10 - KLocale::ShortName", "Oct").toString(locale());
-        case 11:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 11 - KLocale::ShortName", "Nov").toString(locale());
-        case 12:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 12 - KLocale::ShortName", "Dec").toString(locale());
-        default:
-            return QString();
-        }
-    }
-    if (format == KLocale::LongName && possessive) {
-        switch (month) {
-        case 1:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 1 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of January").toString(locale());
-        case 2:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 2 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of February").toString(locale());
-        case 3:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 3 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of March").toString(locale());
-        case 4:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 4 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of April").toString(locale());
-        case 5:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 5 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of May").toString(locale());
-        case 6:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 6 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of June").toString(locale());
-        case 7:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 7 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of July").toString(locale());
-        case 8:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 8 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of August").toString(locale());
-        case 9:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 9 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of September").toString(locale());
-        case 10:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 10 - KLocale::LongName Possessive", "of October").toString(locale());
-        case 11:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 11 - KLocale::LongName Possessive", "of November").toString(locale());
-        case 12:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 12 - KLocale::LongName Possessive", "of December").toString(locale());
-        default:
-            return QString();
-        }
-    }
-    // Default to LongName
-    switch (month) {
-    case 1:
-        return ki18nc("Gregorian month 1 - KLocale::LongName",  "January").toString(locale());
-    case 2:
-        return ki18nc("Gregorian month 2 - KLocale::LongName",  "February").toString(locale());
-    case 3:
-        return ki18nc("Gregorian month 3 - KLocale::LongName",  "March").toString(locale());
-    case 4:
-        return ki18nc("Gregorian month 4 - KLocale::LongName",  "April").toString(locale());
-    case 5:
-        return ki18nc("Gregorian month 5 - KLocale::LongName",  "May").toString(locale());
-    case 6:
-        return ki18nc("Gregorian month 6 - KLocale::LongName",  "June").toString(locale());
-    case 7:
-        return ki18nc("Gregorian month 7 - KLocale::LongName",  "July").toString(locale());
-    case 8:
-        return ki18nc("Gregorian month 8 - KLocale::LongName",  "August").toString(locale());
-    case 9:
-        return ki18nc("Gregorian month 9 - KLocale::LongName",  "September").toString(locale());
-    case 10:
-        return ki18nc("Gregorian month 10 - KLocale::LongName", "October").toString(locale());
-    case 11:
-        return ki18nc("Gregorian month 11 - KLocale::LongName", "November").toString(locale());
-    case 12:
-        return ki18nc("Gregorian month 12 - KLocale::LongName", "December").toString(locale());
-    default:
-        return QString();
-    }
 KCalendarSystemGregorian::KCalendarSystemGregorian(const KSharedConfig::Ptr config,
                                                                      const KLocale *locale)
@@ -364,16 +205,6 @@ bool KCalendarSystemGregorian::isLeapYear(const QDate &date) const
     return KCalendarSystem::isLeapYear(date);
-QString KCalendarSystemGregorian::monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format) const
-    return KCalendarSystem::monthName(month, year, format);
-QString KCalendarSystemGregorian::monthName(const QDate &date, MonthNameFormat format) const
-    return KCalendarSystem::monthName(date, format);
 int KCalendarSystemGregorian::yearStringToInteger(const QString &sNum, int &iLength) const
     return KCalendarSystem::yearStringToInteger(sNum, iLength);
@@ -460,3 +291,162 @@ bool KCalendarSystemGregorian::dateToJulianDay(int year, int month, int day, qin
     return true;
+QString KCalendarSystemGregorian::monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format) const
+    Q_UNUSED(year);
+    if (format == NarrowName) {
+        switch (month) {
+        case 1:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 1 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "J").toString(locale());
+        case 2:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 2 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "F").toString(locale());
+        case 3:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 3 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "M").toString(locale());
+        case 4:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 4 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "A").toString(locale());
+        case 5:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 5 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "M").toString(locale());
+        case 6:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 6 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "J").toString(locale());
+        case 7:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 7 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "J").toString(locale());
+        case 8:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 8 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "A").toString(locale());
+        case 9:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 9 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "S").toString(locale());
+        case 10:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 10 - KLocale::NarrowName", "O").toString(locale());
+        case 11:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 11 - KLocale::NarrowName", "N").toString(locale());
+        case 12:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 12 - KLocale::NarrowName", "D").toString(locale());
+        default:
+            return QString();
+        }
+    }
+    if (format == ShortNamePossessive) {
+        switch (month) {
+        case 1:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 1 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Jan").toString(locale());
+        case 2:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 2 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Feb").toString(locale());
+        case 3:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 3 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Mar").toString(locale());
+        case 4:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 4 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Apr").toString(locale());
+        case 5:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 5 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of May").toString(locale());
+        case 6:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 6 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Jun").toString(locale());
+        case 7:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 7 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Jul").toString(locale());
+        case 8:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 8 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Aug").toString(locale());
+        case 9:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 9 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Sep").toString(locale());
+        case 10:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 10 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive", "of Oct").toString(locale());
+        case 11:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 11 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive", "of Nov").toString(locale());
+        case 12:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 12 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive", "of Dec").toString(locale());
+        default:
+            return QString();
+        }
+    }
+    if (format == ShortName) {
+        switch (month) {
+        case 1:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 1 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Jan").toString(locale());
+        case 2:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 2 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Feb").toString(locale());
+        case 3:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 3 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Mar").toString(locale());
+        case 4:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 4 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Apr").toString(locale());
+        case 5:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 5 - KLocale::ShortName",  "May").toString(locale());
+        case 6:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 6 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Jun").toString(locale());
+        case 7:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 7 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Jul").toString(locale());
+        case 8:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 8 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Aug").toString(locale());
+        case 9:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 9 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Sep").toString(locale());
+        case 10:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 10 - KLocale::ShortName", "Oct").toString(locale());
+        case 11:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 11 - KLocale::ShortName", "Nov").toString(locale());
+        case 12:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 12 - KLocale::ShortName", "Dec").toString(locale());
+        default:
+            return QString();
+        }
+    }
+    if (format == LongNamePossessive) {
+        switch (month) {
+        case 1:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 1 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of January").toString(locale());
+        case 2:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 2 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of February").toString(locale());
+        case 3:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 3 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of March").toString(locale());
+        case 4:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 4 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of April").toString(locale());
+        case 5:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 5 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of May").toString(locale());
+        case 6:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 6 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of June").toString(locale());
+        case 7:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 7 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of July").toString(locale());
+        case 8:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 8 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of August").toString(locale());
+        case 9:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 9 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of September").toString(locale());
+        case 10:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 10 - KLocale::LongName Possessive", "of October").toString(locale());
+        case 11:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 11 - KLocale::LongName Possessive", "of November").toString(locale());
+        case 12:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 12 - KLocale::LongName Possessive", "of December").toString(locale());
+        default:
+            return QString();
+        }
+    }
+    // Default to LongName
+    switch (month) {
+    case 1:
+        return ki18nc("Julian month 1 - KLocale::LongName",  "January").toString(locale());
+    case 2:
+        return ki18nc("Julian month 2 - KLocale::LongName",  "February").toString(locale());
+    case 3:
+        return ki18nc("Julian month 3 - KLocale::LongName",  "March").toString(locale());
+    case 4:
+        return ki18nc("Julian month 4 - KLocale::LongName",  "April").toString(locale());
+    case 5:
+        return ki18nc("Julian month 5 - KLocale::LongName",  "May").toString(locale());
+    case 6:
+        return ki18nc("Julian month 6 - KLocale::LongName",  "June").toString(locale());
+    case 7:
+        return ki18nc("Julian month 7 - KLocale::LongName",  "July").toString(locale());
+    case 8:
+        return ki18nc("Julian month 8 - KLocale::LongName",  "August").toString(locale());
+    case 9:
+        return ki18nc("Julian month 9 - KLocale::LongName",  "September").toString(locale());
+    case 10:
+        return ki18nc("Julian month 10 - KLocale::LongName", "October").toString(locale());
+    case 11:
+        return ki18nc("Julian month 11 - KLocale::LongName", "November").toString(locale());
+    case 12:
+        return ki18nc("Julian month 12 - KLocale::LongName", "December").toString(locale());
+    default:
+        return QString();
+    }
diff --git a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemgregorian_p.h b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemgregorian_p.h
index e289f7e..c608a82 100644
--- a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemgregorian_p.h
+++ b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemgregorian_p.h
@@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ public:
     virtual bool isLeapYear(const QDate &date) const;
     virtual QString monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format = LongName) const;
-    virtual QString monthName(const QDate &date, MonthNameFormat format = LongName) const;
     virtual int yearStringToInteger(const QString &sNum, int &iLength) const;
diff --git a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemgregorianprivate_p.h b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemgregorianprivate_p.h
index 80408b7..d871863 100644
--- a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemgregorianprivate_p.h
+++ b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemgregorianprivate_p.h
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ public:
     virtual int maxMonthsInYear() const;
     virtual int earliestValidYear() const;
     virtual int latestValidYear() const;
-    virtual QString monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::DateTimeComponentFormat format, bool possessive) const;
     bool m_useCommonEra;
diff --git a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemhebrew.cpp b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemhebrew.cpp
index 8685bcf..3a386b9 100644
--- a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemhebrew.cpp
+++ b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemhebrew.cpp
@@ -253,7 +253,6 @@ public:
     virtual int maxMonthsInYear() const;
     virtual int earliestValidYear() const;
     virtual int latestValidYear() const;
-    virtual QString monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::DateTimeComponentFormat format, bool possessive) const;
     virtual int integerFromString(const QString &string, int maxLength, int &readLength) const;
     virtual QString stringFromInteger(int number, int padWidth = 0, QChar padChar = QLatin1Char('0')) const;
@@ -610,12 +609,147 @@ int KCalendarSystemHebrewPrivate::monthNumberToMonthIndex(int year, int month) c
     return month;
-QString KCalendarSystemHebrewPrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::DateTimeComponentFormat format, bool possessive) const
+KCalendarSystemHebrew::KCalendarSystemHebrew(const KSharedConfig::Ptr config, const KLocale *locale)
+                     : KCalendarSystem(*new KCalendarSystemHebrewPrivate(this), config, locale)
+    d_ptr->loadConfig(calendarType());
+KCalendarSystemHebrew::KCalendarSystemHebrew(KCalendarSystemHebrewPrivate &dd,
+                                             const KSharedConfig::Ptr config, const KLocale *locale)
+                     : KCalendarSystem(dd, config, locale)
+    d_ptr->loadConfig(calendarType());
+QString KCalendarSystemHebrew::calendarType() const
+    return QLatin1String("hebrew");
+KLocale::CalendarSystem KCalendarSystemHebrew::calendarSystem() const
+    return KLocale::HebrewCalendar;
+QDate KCalendarSystemHebrew::epoch() const
+    // Hebrew 0001-01-01 (Gregorian -3760-09-07, Julian -3761-10-07)
+    return QDate::fromJulianDay(347998);
+QDate KCalendarSystemHebrew::earliestValidDate() const
+    // Current formulas using direct Gregorian <-> Hebrew conversion using Qt
+    // will return invalid results prior to the Gregorian switchover in 1582
+    // Next valid Hebrew year starts 5344-01-01 (Gregorian 1583-09-17)
+    return QDate::fromJulianDay(2299498);
+QDate KCalendarSystemHebrew::latestValidDate() const
+    // Testing shows current formulas only work up to 8119-13-29 (Gregorian 4359-10-07)
+    return QDate::fromJulianDay(3313431);
+bool KCalendarSystemHebrew::isLeapYear(int year) const
+    return KCalendarSystem::isLeapYear(year);
+bool KCalendarSystemHebrew::isLeapYear(const QDate &date) const
+    return KCalendarSystem::isLeapYear(date);
+int KCalendarSystemHebrew::yearStringToInteger(const QString &string, int &readLength) const
+    int result = KCalendarSystem::yearStringToInteger(string, readLength);
+    // Hebrew has no letter for 0, so 5 and 5000 are written the same
+    // Assume if less than 10 then we are in an exact multiple of 1000
+    if (result < 10) {
+        result = result * 1000;
+    }
+    // Not good just assuming, make configurable
+    if (result < 1000) {
+        result += 5000; // assume we're in the 6th millenium (y6k bug)
+    }
+    return result;
+bool KCalendarSystemHebrew::isLunar() const
+    return false;
+bool KCalendarSystemHebrew::isLunisolar() const
+    return true;
+bool KCalendarSystemHebrew::isSolar() const
+    return false;
+bool KCalendarSystemHebrew::isProleptic() const
+    return false;
+bool KCalendarSystemHebrew::julianDayToDate(qint64 jd, int &year, int &month, int &day) const
+    class h_date * sd = toHebrew(QDate::fromJulianDay(jd));
+    year = sd->hd_year;
+    month = sd->hd_mon;
+    if (isLeapYear(sd->hd_year)) {
+        if (month == 13 /*AdarI*/) {
+            month = 6;
+        } else if (month == 14 /*AdarII*/) {
+            month = 7;
+        } else if (month > 6 && month < 13) {
+            ++month;
+        }
+    }
+    day = sd->hd_day;
+    return true;
+bool KCalendarSystemHebrew::dateToJulianDay(int year, int month, int day, qint64 &jd) const
+    class h_date * gd = hebrewToGregorian(year, month, day);
+    QDate tempDate(gd->hd_year, gd->hd_mon + 1, gd->hd_day + 1);
+    jd = tempDate.toJulianDay();
+    return true;
+QString KCalendarSystemHebrew::monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format) const
+    Q_D(const KCalendarSystemHebrew);
+    if (!isValid(year, month, 1)) {
+        return QString();
+    }
     // We must map month number to month index
-    int monthIndex = monthNumberToMonthIndex(year, month);
+    int monthIndex = d->monthNumberToMonthIndex(year, month);
-    if (format == KLocale::NarrowName) {
+    if (format == NarrowName) {
         switch (monthIndex) {
         case 1:
             return ki18nc("Hebrew month 1 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "T").toString(locale());
@@ -650,7 +784,7 @@ QString KCalendarSystemHebrewPrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::Da
-    if (format == KLocale::ShortName && possessive) {
+    if (format == ShortNamePossessive) {
         switch (monthIndex) {
         case 1:
             return ki18nc("Hebrew month 1 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Tis").toString(locale());
@@ -685,7 +819,7 @@ QString KCalendarSystemHebrewPrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::Da
-    if (format == KLocale::ShortName && !possessive) {
+    if (format == ShortName) {
         switch (monthIndex) {
         case 1:
             return ki18nc("Hebrew month 1 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Tis").toString(locale());
@@ -720,7 +854,7 @@ QString KCalendarSystemHebrewPrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::Da
-    if (format == KLocale::LongName && possessive) {
+    if (format == LongNamePossessive) {
         switch (monthIndex) {
         case 1:
             return ki18nc("Hebrew month 1 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Tishrey").toString(locale());
@@ -789,142 +923,3 @@ QString KCalendarSystemHebrewPrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::Da
         return QString();
-KCalendarSystemHebrew::KCalendarSystemHebrew(const KSharedConfig::Ptr config, const KLocale *locale)
-                     : KCalendarSystem(*new KCalendarSystemHebrewPrivate(this), config, locale)
-    d_ptr->loadConfig(calendarType());
-KCalendarSystemHebrew::KCalendarSystemHebrew(KCalendarSystemHebrewPrivate &dd,
-                                             const KSharedConfig::Ptr config, const KLocale *locale)
-                     : KCalendarSystem(dd, config, locale)
-    d_ptr->loadConfig(calendarType());
-QString KCalendarSystemHebrew::calendarType() const
-    return QLatin1String("hebrew");
-KLocale::CalendarSystem KCalendarSystemHebrew::calendarSystem() const
-    return KLocale::HebrewCalendar;
-QDate KCalendarSystemHebrew::epoch() const
-    // Hebrew 0001-01-01 (Gregorian -3760-09-07, Julian -3761-10-07)
-    return QDate::fromJulianDay(347998);
-QDate KCalendarSystemHebrew::earliestValidDate() const
-    // Current formulas using direct Gregorian <-> Hebrew conversion using Qt
-    // will return invalid results prior to the Gregorian switchover in 1582
-    // Next valid Hebrew year starts 5344-01-01 (Gregorian 1583-09-17)
-    return QDate::fromJulianDay(2299498);
-QDate KCalendarSystemHebrew::latestValidDate() const
-    // Testing shows current formulas only work up to 8119-13-29 (Gregorian 4359-10-07)
-    return QDate::fromJulianDay(3313431);
-bool KCalendarSystemHebrew::isLeapYear(int year) const
-    return KCalendarSystem::isLeapYear(year);
-bool KCalendarSystemHebrew::isLeapYear(const QDate &date) const
-    return KCalendarSystem::isLeapYear(date);
-QString KCalendarSystemHebrew::monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format) const
-    return KCalendarSystem::monthName(month, year, format);
-QString KCalendarSystemHebrew::monthName(const QDate &date, MonthNameFormat format) const
-    return KCalendarSystem::monthName(date, format);
-int KCalendarSystemHebrew::yearStringToInteger(const QString &string, int &readLength) const
-    int result = KCalendarSystem::yearStringToInteger(string, readLength);
-    // Hebrew has no letter for 0, so 5 and 5000 are written the same
-    // Assume if less than 10 then we are in an exact multiple of 1000
-    if (result < 10) {
-        result = result * 1000;
-    }
-    // Not good just assuming, make configurable
-    if (result < 1000) {
-        result += 5000; // assume we're in the 6th millenium (y6k bug)
-    }
-    return result;
-bool KCalendarSystemHebrew::isLunar() const
-    return false;
-bool KCalendarSystemHebrew::isLunisolar() const
-    return true;
-bool KCalendarSystemHebrew::isSolar() const
-    return false;
-bool KCalendarSystemHebrew::isProleptic() const
-    return false;
-bool KCalendarSystemHebrew::julianDayToDate(qint64 jd, int &year, int &month, int &day) const
-    class h_date * sd = toHebrew(QDate::fromJulianDay(jd));
-    year = sd->hd_year;
-    month = sd->hd_mon;
-    if (isLeapYear(sd->hd_year)) {
-        if (month == 13 /*AdarI*/) {
-            month = 6;
-        } else if (month == 14 /*AdarII*/) {
-            month = 7;
-        } else if (month > 6 && month < 13) {
-            ++month;
-        }
-    }
-    day = sd->hd_day;
-    return true;
-bool KCalendarSystemHebrew::dateToJulianDay(int year, int month, int day, qint64 &jd) const
-    class h_date * gd = hebrewToGregorian(year, month, day);
-    QDate tempDate(gd->hd_year, gd->hd_mon + 1, gd->hd_day + 1);
-    jd = tempDate.toJulianDay();
-    return true;
diff --git a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemhebrew_p.h b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemhebrew_p.h
index 19e640a..ccfbb37 100644
--- a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemhebrew_p.h
+++ b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemhebrew_p.h
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ public:
     virtual bool isLeapYear(const QDate &date) const;
     virtual QString monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format = LongName) const;
-    virtual QString monthName(const QDate &date, MonthNameFormat format = LongName) const;
     virtual int yearStringToInteger(const QString &sNum, int &iLength) const;
diff --git a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemindiannational.cpp b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemindiannational.cpp
index 7a4016a..1389cd8 100644
--- a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemindiannational.cpp
+++ b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemindiannational.cpp
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ public:
     virtual int maxMonthsInYear() const;
     virtual int earliestValidYear() const;
     virtual int latestValidYear() const;
-    virtual QString monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::DateTimeComponentFormat format, bool possessive) const;
 // Shared d pointer base class definitions
@@ -145,11 +144,137 @@ int KCalendarSystemIndianNationalPrivate::latestValidYear() const
     return 9999;
-QString KCalendarSystemIndianNationalPrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::DateTimeComponentFormat format, bool possessive) const
+KCalendarSystemIndianNational::KCalendarSystemIndianNational(const KSharedConfig::Ptr config, const KLocale *locale)
+                             : KCalendarSystem(*new KCalendarSystemIndianNationalPrivate(this), config, locale)
+    d_ptr->loadConfig(calendarType());
+KCalendarSystemIndianNational::KCalendarSystemIndianNational(KCalendarSystemIndianNationalPrivate &dd,
+                                                             const KSharedConfig::Ptr config,
+                                                             const KLocale *locale)
+                             : KCalendarSystem(dd, config, locale)
+    d_ptr->loadConfig(calendarType());
+QString KCalendarSystemIndianNational::calendarType() const
+    return QLatin1String("indian-national");
+KLocale::CalendarSystem KCalendarSystemIndianNational::calendarSystem() const
+    return KLocale::IndianNationalCalendar;
+QDate KCalendarSystemIndianNational::epoch() const
+    //0000-01-01, has Year 0.
+    //0078-03-22 AD Gregorian / 0078-03-24 AD Julian
+    return QDate::fromJulianDay(1749994);
+QDate KCalendarSystemIndianNational::earliestValidDate() const
+    //0000-01-01, has Year 0.
+    //0078-03-22 AD Gregorian / 0078-03-24 AD Julian
+    //Don't do proleptic yet, need to check
+    return QDate::fromJulianDay(1749630);
+QDate KCalendarSystemIndianNational::latestValidDate() const
+    // Set to last day of year 9999 until confirm date formats & widgets support > 9999
+    //9999-12-30
+    //10078-03-21 AD Gregorian
+    return QDate::fromJulianDay(5402054);
+bool KCalendarSystemIndianNational::isLeapYear(int year) const
+    return KCalendarSystem::isLeapYear(year);
+bool KCalendarSystemIndianNational::isLeapYear(const QDate &date) const
+    return KCalendarSystem::isLeapYear(date);
+bool KCalendarSystemIndianNational::isLunar() const
+    return false;
+bool KCalendarSystemIndianNational::isLunisolar() const
+    return true;
+bool KCalendarSystemIndianNational::isSolar() const
+    return false;
+bool KCalendarSystemIndianNational::isProleptic() const
+    return false;
+bool KCalendarSystemIndianNational::julianDayToDate(qint64 jd, int &year, int &month, int &day) const
+    int L, N, I, J, D, M, Y;
+    // "Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac" 2006 section 12.94 pp 605-606
+    // Originally from "Report of the Calendar Reform Committee" 1955
+    L = jd + 68518;
+    N = (4 * L) / 146097;
+    L = L - (146097 * N + 3) / 4;
+    I = (4000 * (L + 1)) / 1461001;
+    L = L - (1461 * I) / 4 + 1;
+    J = ((L - 1) / 31) * (1 - L / 185) + (L / 185) * ((L - 156) / 30 + 5) - L / 366;
+    D = L - 31 * J + ((J + 2) / 8) * (J - 5);
+    L = J / 11;
+    M = J + 2 - 12 * L;
+    Y = 100 * (N - 49) + L + I - 78;
+    day = D;
+    month = M;
+    year = Y;
+    return true;
+bool KCalendarSystemIndianNational::dateToJulianDay(int year, int month, int day, qint64 &jd) const
+    int Y = year;
+    int M = month;
+    int D = day;
+    // "Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac" 2006 section 12.94 pp 605-606
+    // Originally from "Report of the Calendar Reform Committee" 1955
+    jd = 365 * Y
+         + (Y + 78 - 1 / M) / 4
+         + 31 * M
+         - (M + 9) / 11
+         - (M / 7) * (M - 7)
+         - (3 * ((Y  + 78 - 1 / M) / 100 + 1)) / 4
+         + D
+         + 1749579;
+    return true;
+QString KCalendarSystemIndianNational::monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format) const
-    if (format == KLocale::NarrowName) {
+    if (format == NarrowName) {
         switch (month) {
         case 1:
             return ki18nc("Indian National month 1 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "C").toString(locale());
@@ -180,7 +305,7 @@ QString KCalendarSystemIndianNationalPrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLo
-    if (format == KLocale::ShortName && possessive) {
+    if (format == ShortNamePossessive) {
         switch (month) {
         case 1:
             return ki18nc("Indian National month 1 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Cha").toString(locale());
@@ -211,7 +336,7 @@ QString KCalendarSystemIndianNationalPrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLo
-    if (format == KLocale::ShortName && !possessive) {
+    if (format == ShortName) {
         switch (month) {
         case 1:
             return ki18nc("Indian National month 1 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Cha").toString(locale());
@@ -242,7 +367,7 @@ QString KCalendarSystemIndianNationalPrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLo
-    if (format == KLocale::LongName && possessive) {
+    if (format == LongNamePossessive) {
         switch (month) {
         case 1:
             return ki18nc("Indian National month 1 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Chaitra").toString(locale());
@@ -303,139 +428,3 @@ QString KCalendarSystemIndianNationalPrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLo
         return QString();
-KCalendarSystemIndianNational::KCalendarSystemIndianNational(const KSharedConfig::Ptr config, const KLocale *locale)
-                             : KCalendarSystem(*new KCalendarSystemIndianNationalPrivate(this), config, locale)
-    d_ptr->loadConfig(calendarType());
-KCalendarSystemIndianNational::KCalendarSystemIndianNational(KCalendarSystemIndianNationalPrivate &dd,
-                                                             const KSharedConfig::Ptr config,
-                                                             const KLocale *locale)
-                             : KCalendarSystem(dd, config, locale)
-    d_ptr->loadConfig(calendarType());
-QString KCalendarSystemIndianNational::calendarType() const
-    return QLatin1String("indian-national");
-KLocale::CalendarSystem KCalendarSystemIndianNational::calendarSystem() const
-    return KLocale::IndianNationalCalendar;
-QDate KCalendarSystemIndianNational::epoch() const
-    //0000-01-01, has Year 0.
-    //0078-03-22 AD Gregorian / 0078-03-24 AD Julian
-    return QDate::fromJulianDay(1749994);
-QDate KCalendarSystemIndianNational::earliestValidDate() const
-    //0000-01-01, has Year 0.
-    //0078-03-22 AD Gregorian / 0078-03-24 AD Julian
-    //Don't do proleptic yet, need to check
-    return QDate::fromJulianDay(1749630);
-QDate KCalendarSystemIndianNational::latestValidDate() const
-    // Set to last day of year 9999 until confirm date formats & widgets support > 9999
-    //9999-12-30
-    //10078-03-21 AD Gregorian
-    return QDate::fromJulianDay(5402054);
-bool KCalendarSystemIndianNational::isLeapYear(int year) const
-    return KCalendarSystem::isLeapYear(year);
-bool KCalendarSystemIndianNational::isLeapYear(const QDate &date) const
-    return KCalendarSystem::isLeapYear(date);
-QString KCalendarSystemIndianNational::monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format) const
-    return KCalendarSystem::monthName(month, year, format);
-QString KCalendarSystemIndianNational::monthName(const QDate &date, MonthNameFormat format) const
-    return KCalendarSystem::monthName(date, format);
-bool KCalendarSystemIndianNational::isLunar() const
-    return false;
-bool KCalendarSystemIndianNational::isLunisolar() const
-    return true;
-bool KCalendarSystemIndianNational::isSolar() const
-    return false;
-bool KCalendarSystemIndianNational::isProleptic() const
-    return false;
-bool KCalendarSystemIndianNational::julianDayToDate(qint64 jd, int &year, int &month, int &day) const
-    int L, N, I, J, D, M, Y;
-    // "Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac" 2006 section 12.94 pp 605-606
-    // Originally from "Report of the Calendar Reform Committee" 1955
-    L = jd + 68518;
-    N = (4 * L) / 146097;
-    L = L - (146097 * N + 3) / 4;
-    I = (4000 * (L + 1)) / 1461001;
-    L = L - (1461 * I) / 4 + 1;
-    J = ((L - 1) / 31) * (1 - L / 185) + (L / 185) * ((L - 156) / 30 + 5) - L / 366;
-    D = L - 31 * J + ((J + 2) / 8) * (J - 5);
-    L = J / 11;
-    M = J + 2 - 12 * L;
-    Y = 100 * (N - 49) + L + I - 78;
-    day = D;
-    month = M;
-    year = Y;
-    return true;
-bool KCalendarSystemIndianNational::dateToJulianDay(int year, int month, int day, qint64 &jd) const
-    int Y = year;
-    int M = month;
-    int D = day;
-    // "Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac" 2006 section 12.94 pp 605-606
-    // Originally from "Report of the Calendar Reform Committee" 1955
-    jd = 365 * Y
-         + (Y + 78 - 1 / M) / 4
-         + 31 * M
-         - (M + 9) / 11
-         - (M / 7) * (M - 7)
-         - (3 * ((Y  + 78 - 1 / M) / 100 + 1)) / 4
-         + D
-         + 1749579;
-    return true;
diff --git a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemindiannational_p.h b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemindiannational_p.h
index 504e607..88d2d9c 100644
--- a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemindiannational_p.h
+++ b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemindiannational_p.h
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ public:
     virtual bool isLeapYear(const QDate &date) const;
     virtual QString monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format = LongName) const;
-    virtual QString monthName(const QDate &date, MonthNameFormat format = LongName) const;
     virtual bool isLunar() const;
     virtual bool isLunisolar() const;
diff --git a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemislamiccivil.cpp b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemislamiccivil.cpp
index 26e8c99..1d116b3 100644
--- a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemislamiccivil.cpp
+++ b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemislamiccivil.cpp
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ public:
     virtual int maxMonthsInYear() const;
     virtual int earliestValidYear() const;
     virtual int latestValidYear() const;
-    virtual QString monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::DateTimeComponentFormat format, bool possessive) const;
 // Shared d pointer base class definitions
@@ -151,165 +150,6 @@ int KCalendarSystemIslamicCivilPrivate::latestValidYear() const
     return 9999;
-QString KCalendarSystemIslamicCivilPrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::DateTimeComponentFormat format, bool possessive) const
-    Q_UNUSED(year);
-    if (format == KLocale::NarrowName) {
-        switch (month) {
-        case 1:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 1 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "M").toString(locale());
-        case 2:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 2 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "S").toString(locale());
-        case 3:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 3 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "A").toString(locale());
-        case 4:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 4 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "T").toString(locale());
-        case 5:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 5 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "A").toString(locale());
-        case 6:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 6 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "T").toString(locale());
-        case 7:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 7 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "R").toString(locale());
-        case 8:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 8 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "S").toString(locale());
-        case 9:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 9 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "R").toString(locale());
-        case 10:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 10 - KLocale::NarrowName", "S").toString(locale());
-        case 11:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 11 - KLocale::NarrowName", "Q").toString(locale());
-        case 12:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 12 - KLocale::NarrowName", "H").toString(locale());
-        default:
-            return QString();
-        }
-    }
-    if (format == KLocale::ShortName && possessive) {
-        switch (month) {
-        case 1:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 1 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Muh").toString(locale());
-        case 2:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 2 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Saf").toString(locale());
-        case 3:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 3 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of R.A").toString(locale());
-        case 4:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 4 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of R.T").toString(locale());
-        case 5:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 5 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of J.A").toString(locale());
-        case 6:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 6 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of J.T").toString(locale());
-        case 7:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 7 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Raj").toString(locale());
-        case 8:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 8 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Sha").toString(locale());
-        case 9:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 9 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Ram").toString(locale());
-        case 10:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 10 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive", "of Shw").toString(locale());
-        case 11:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 11 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive", "of Qid").toString(locale());
-        case 12:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 12 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive", "of Hij").toString(locale());
-        default:
-            return QString();
-        }
-    }
-    if (format == KLocale::ShortName && !possessive) {
-        switch (month) {
-        case 1:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 1 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Muh").toString(locale());
-        case 2:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 2 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Saf").toString(locale());
-        case 3:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 3 - KLocale::ShortName",  "R.A").toString(locale());
-        case 4:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 4 - KLocale::ShortName",  "R.T").toString(locale());
-        case 5:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 5 - KLocale::ShortName",  "J.A").toString(locale());
-        case 6:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 6 - KLocale::ShortName",  "J.T").toString(locale());
-        case 7:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 7 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Raj").toString(locale());
-        case 8:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 8 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Sha").toString(locale());
-        case 9:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 9 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Ram").toString(locale());
-        case 10:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 10 - KLocale::ShortName", "Shw").toString(locale());
-        case 11:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 11 - KLocale::ShortName", "Qid").toString(locale());
-        case 12:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 12 - KLocale::ShortName", "Hij").toString(locale());
-        default:
-            return QString();
-        }
-    }
-    if (format == KLocale::LongName && possessive) {
-        switch (month) {
-        case 1:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 1 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Muharram").toString(locale());
-        case 2:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 2 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Safar").toString(locale());
-        case 3:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 3 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Rabi` al-Awal").toString(locale());
-        case 4:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 4 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Rabi` al-Thaani").toString(locale());
-        case 5:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 5 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Jumaada al-Awal").toString(locale());
-        case 6:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 6 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Jumaada al-Thaani").toString(locale());
-        case 7:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 7 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Rajab").toString(locale());
-        case 8:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 8 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Sha`ban").toString(locale());
-        case 9:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 9 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Ramadan").toString(locale());
-        case 10:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 10 - KLocale::LongName Possessive", "of Shawwal").toString(locale());
-        case 11:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 11 - KLocale::LongName Possessive", "of Thu al-Qi`dah").toString(locale());
-        case 12:
-            return ki18nc("Hijri month 12 - KLocale::LongName Possessive", "of Thu al-Hijjah").toString(locale());
-        default:
-            return QString();
-        }
-    }
-    // Default to LongName
-    switch (month) {
-    case 1:
-        return ki18nc("Hijri month 1 - KLocale::LongName",  "Muharram").toString(locale());
-    case 2:
-        return ki18nc("Hijri month 2 - KLocale::LongName",  "Safar").toString(locale());
-    case 3:
-        return ki18nc("Hijri month 3 - KLocale::LongName",  "Rabi` al-Awal").toString(locale());
-    case 4:
-        return ki18nc("Hijri month 4 - KLocale::LongName",  "Rabi` al-Thaani").toString(locale());
-    case 5:
-        return ki18nc("Hijri month 5 - KLocale::LongName",  "Jumaada al-Awal").toString(locale());
-    case 6:
-        return ki18nc("Hijri month 6 - KLocale::LongName",  "Jumaada al-Thaani").toString(locale());
-    case 7:
-        return ki18nc("Hijri month 7 - KLocale::LongName",  "Rajab").toString(locale());
-    case 8:
-        return ki18nc("Hijri month 8 - KLocale::LongName",  "Sha`ban").toString(locale());
-    case 9:
-        return ki18nc("Hijri month 9 - KLocale::LongName",  "Ramadan").toString(locale());
-    case 10:
-        return ki18nc("Hijri month 10 - KLocale::LongName", "Shawwal").toString(locale());
-    case 11:
-        return ki18nc("Hijri month 11 - KLocale::LongName", "Thu al-Qi`dah").toString(locale());
-    case 12:
-        return ki18nc("Hijri month 12 - KLocale::LongName", "Thu al-Hijjah").toString(locale());
-    default:
-        return QString();
-    }
 KCalendarSystemIslamicCivil::KCalendarSystemIslamicCivil(const KSharedConfig::Ptr config, const KLocale *locale)
                            : KCalendarSystem(*new KCalendarSystemIslamicCivilPrivate(this), config, locale)
@@ -366,16 +206,6 @@ bool KCalendarSystemIslamicCivil::isLeapYear(const QDate &date) const
     return KCalendarSystem::isLeapYear(date);
-QString KCalendarSystemIslamicCivil::monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format) const
-    return KCalendarSystem::monthName(month, year, format);
-QString KCalendarSystemIslamicCivil::monthName(const QDate &date, MonthNameFormat format) const
-    return KCalendarSystem::monthName(date, format);
 bool KCalendarSystemIslamicCivil::isLunar() const
     return true;
@@ -486,3 +316,162 @@ bool KCalendarSystemIslamicCivil::dateToJulianDay(int year, int month, int day,
     jd = ( 3 + ( 11 * year ) ) / 30 + 354 * year + 30 * month - ( month - 1 ) / 2 + day + epoch().toJulianDay() - 385;
+QString KCalendarSystemIslamicCivil::monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format) const
+    Q_UNUSED(year);
+    if (format == NarrowName) {
+        switch (month) {
+        case 1:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 1 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "M").toString(locale());
+        case 2:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 2 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "S").toString(locale());
+        case 3:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 3 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "A").toString(locale());
+        case 4:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 4 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "T").toString(locale());
+        case 5:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 5 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "A").toString(locale());
+        case 6:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 6 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "T").toString(locale());
+        case 7:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 7 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "R").toString(locale());
+        case 8:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 8 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "S").toString(locale());
+        case 9:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 9 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "R").toString(locale());
+        case 10:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 10 - KLocale::NarrowName", "S").toString(locale());
+        case 11:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 11 - KLocale::NarrowName", "Q").toString(locale());
+        case 12:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 12 - KLocale::NarrowName", "H").toString(locale());
+        default:
+            return QString();
+        }
+    }
+    if (format == ShortNamePossessive) {
+        switch (month) {
+        case 1:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 1 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Muh").toString(locale());
+        case 2:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 2 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Saf").toString(locale());
+        case 3:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 3 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of R.A").toString(locale());
+        case 4:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 4 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of R.T").toString(locale());
+        case 5:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 5 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of J.A").toString(locale());
+        case 6:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 6 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of J.T").toString(locale());
+        case 7:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 7 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Raj").toString(locale());
+        case 8:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 8 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Sha").toString(locale());
+        case 9:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 9 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Ram").toString(locale());
+        case 10:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 10 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive", "of Shw").toString(locale());
+        case 11:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 11 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive", "of Qid").toString(locale());
+        case 12:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 12 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive", "of Hij").toString(locale());
+        default:
+            return QString();
+        }
+    }
+    if (format == ShortName) {
+        switch (month) {
+        case 1:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 1 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Muh").toString(locale());
+        case 2:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 2 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Saf").toString(locale());
+        case 3:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 3 - KLocale::ShortName",  "R.A").toString(locale());
+        case 4:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 4 - KLocale::ShortName",  "R.T").toString(locale());
+        case 5:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 5 - KLocale::ShortName",  "J.A").toString(locale());
+        case 6:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 6 - KLocale::ShortName",  "J.T").toString(locale());
+        case 7:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 7 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Raj").toString(locale());
+        case 8:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 8 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Sha").toString(locale());
+        case 9:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 9 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Ram").toString(locale());
+        case 10:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 10 - KLocale::ShortName", "Shw").toString(locale());
+        case 11:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 11 - KLocale::ShortName", "Qid").toString(locale());
+        case 12:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 12 - KLocale::ShortName", "Hij").toString(locale());
+        default:
+            return QString();
+        }
+    }
+    if (format == LongNamePossessive) {
+        switch (month) {
+        case 1:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 1 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Muharram").toString(locale());
+        case 2:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 2 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Safar").toString(locale());
+        case 3:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 3 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Rabi` al-Awal").toString(locale());
+        case 4:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 4 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Rabi` al-Thaani").toString(locale());
+        case 5:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 5 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Jumaada al-Awal").toString(locale());
+        case 6:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 6 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Jumaada al-Thaani").toString(locale());
+        case 7:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 7 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Rajab").toString(locale());
+        case 8:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 8 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Sha`ban").toString(locale());
+        case 9:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 9 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Ramadan").toString(locale());
+        case 10:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 10 - KLocale::LongName Possessive", "of Shawwal").toString(locale());
+        case 11:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 11 - KLocale::LongName Possessive", "of Thu al-Qi`dah").toString(locale());
+        case 12:
+            return ki18nc("Hijri month 12 - KLocale::LongName Possessive", "of Thu al-Hijjah").toString(locale());
+        default:
+            return QString();
+        }
+    }
+    // Default to LongName
+    switch (month) {
+    case 1:
+        return ki18nc("Hijri month 1 - KLocale::LongName",  "Muharram").toString(locale());
+    case 2:
+        return ki18nc("Hijri month 2 - KLocale::LongName",  "Safar").toString(locale());
+    case 3:
+        return ki18nc("Hijri month 3 - KLocale::LongName",  "Rabi` al-Awal").toString(locale());
+    case 4:
+        return ki18nc("Hijri month 4 - KLocale::LongName",  "Rabi` al-Thaani").toString(locale());
+    case 5:
+        return ki18nc("Hijri month 5 - KLocale::LongName",  "Jumaada al-Awal").toString(locale());
+    case 6:
+        return ki18nc("Hijri month 6 - KLocale::LongName",  "Jumaada al-Thaani").toString(locale());
+    case 7:
+        return ki18nc("Hijri month 7 - KLocale::LongName",  "Rajab").toString(locale());
+    case 8:
+        return ki18nc("Hijri month 8 - KLocale::LongName",  "Sha`ban").toString(locale());
+    case 9:
+        return ki18nc("Hijri month 9 - KLocale::LongName",  "Ramadan").toString(locale());
+    case 10:
+        return ki18nc("Hijri month 10 - KLocale::LongName", "Shawwal").toString(locale());
+    case 11:
+        return ki18nc("Hijri month 11 - KLocale::LongName", "Thu al-Qi`dah").toString(locale());
+    case 12:
+        return ki18nc("Hijri month 12 - KLocale::LongName", "Thu al-Hijjah").toString(locale());
+    default:
+        return QString();
+    }
diff --git a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemislamiccivil_p.h b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemislamiccivil_p.h
index 0fff81a..67e5489 100644
--- a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemislamiccivil_p.h
+++ b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemislamiccivil_p.h
@@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ public:
     virtual bool isLeapYear(const QDate &date) const;
     virtual QString monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format = LongName) const;
-    virtual QString monthName(const QDate &date, MonthNameFormat format = LongName) const;
     virtual bool isLunar() const;
     virtual bool isLunisolar() const;
diff --git a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjalali.cpp b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjalali.cpp
index 9775056..339f497 100644
--- a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjalali.cpp
+++ b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjalali.cpp
@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ public:
     virtual int maxMonthsInYear() const;
     virtual int earliestValidYear() const;
     virtual int latestValidYear() const;
-    virtual QString monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::DateTimeComponentFormat format, bool possessive) const;
 // Shared d pointer base class definitions
@@ -157,165 +156,6 @@ int KCalendarSystemJalaliPrivate::latestValidYear() const
     return 1530;
-QString KCalendarSystemJalaliPrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::DateTimeComponentFormat format, bool possessive) const
-    Q_UNUSED(year);
-    if (format == KLocale::NarrowName) {
-        switch (month) {
-        case 1:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 1 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "F").toString(locale());
-        case 2:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 2 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "O").toString(locale());
-        case 3:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 3 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "K").toString(locale());
-        case 4:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 4 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "T").toString(locale());
-        case 5:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 5 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "M").toString(locale());
-        case 6:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 6 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "S").toString(locale());
-        case 7:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 7 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "M").toString(locale());
-        case 8:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 8 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "A").toString(locale());
-        case 9:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 9 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "A").toString(locale());
-        case 10:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 10 - KLocale::NarrowName", "D").toString(locale());
-        case 11:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 11 - KLocale::NarrowName", "B").toString(locale());
-        case 12:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 12 - KLocale::NarrowName", "E").toString(locale());
-        default:
-            return QString();
-        }
-    }
-    if (format == KLocale::ShortName && possessive) {
-        switch (month) {
-        case 1:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 1 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Far").toString(locale());
-        case 2:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 2 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Ord").toString(locale());
-        case 3:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 3 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Kho").toString(locale());
-        case 4:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 4 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Tir").toString(locale());
-        case 5:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 5 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Mor").toString(locale());
-        case 6:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 6 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Sha").toString(locale());
-        case 7:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 7 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Meh").toString(locale());
-        case 8:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 8 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Aba").toString(locale());
-        case 9:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 9 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Aza").toString(locale());
-        case 10:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 10 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive", "of Dei").toString(locale());
-        case 11:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 11 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive", "of Bah").toString(locale());
-        case 12:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 12 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive", "of Esf").toString(locale());
-        default:
-            return QString();
-        }
-    }
-    if (format == KLocale::ShortName && !possessive) {
-        switch (month) {
-        case 1:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 1 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Far").toString(locale());
-        case 2:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 2 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Ord").toString(locale());
-        case 3:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 3 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Kho").toString(locale());
-        case 4:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 4 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Tir").toString(locale());
-        case 5:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 5 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Mor").toString(locale());
-        case 6:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 6 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Sha").toString(locale());
-        case 7:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 7 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Meh").toString(locale());
-        case 8:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 8 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Aba").toString(locale());
-        case 9:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 9 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Aza").toString(locale());
-        case 10:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 10 - KLocale::ShortName", "Dei").toString(locale());
-        case 11:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 11 - KLocale::ShortName", "Bah").toString(locale());
-        case 12:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 12 - KLocale::ShortName", "Esf").toString(locale());
-        default:
-            return QString();
-        }
-    }
-    if (format == KLocale::LongName && possessive) {
-        switch (month) {
-        case 1:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 1 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Farvardin").toString(locale());
-        case 2:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 2 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Ordibehesht").toString(locale());
-        case 3:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 3 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Khordad").toString(locale());
-        case 4:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 4 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Tir").toString(locale());
-        case 5:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 5 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Mordad").toString(locale());
-        case 6:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 6 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Shahrivar").toString(locale());
-        case 7:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 7 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Mehr").toString(locale());
-        case 8:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 8 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Aban").toString(locale());
-        case 9:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 9 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Azar").toString(locale());
-        case 10:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 10 - KLocale::LongName Possessive", "of Dei").toString(locale());
-        case 11:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 11 - KLocale::LongName Possessive", "of Bahman").toString(locale());
-        case 12:
-            return ki18nc("Jalali month 12 - KLocale::LongName Possessive", "of Esfand").toString(locale());
-        default:
-            return QString();
-        }
-    }
-    // Default to LongName
-    switch (month) {
-    case 1:
-        return ki18nc("Jalali month 1 - KLocale::LongName",  "Farvardin").toString(locale());
-    case 2:
-        return ki18nc("Jalali month 2 - KLocale::LongName",  "Ordibehesht").toString(locale());
-    case 3:
-        return ki18nc("Jalali month 3 - KLocale::LongName",  "Khordad").toString(locale());
-    case 4:
-        return ki18nc("Jalali month 4 - KLocale::LongName",  "Tir").toString(locale());
-    case 5:
-        return ki18nc("Jalali month 5 - KLocale::LongName",  "Mordad").toString(locale());
-    case 6:
-        return ki18nc("Jalali month 6 - KLocale::LongName",  "Shahrivar").toString(locale());
-    case 7:
-        return ki18nc("Jalali month 7 - KLocale::LongName",  "Mehr").toString(locale());
-    case 8:
-        return ki18nc("Jalali month 8 - KLocale::LongName",  "Aban").toString(locale());
-    case 9:
-        return ki18nc("Jalali month 9 - KLocale::LongName",  "Azar").toString(locale());
-    case 10:
-        return ki18nc("Jalali month 10 - KLocale::LongName", "Dei").toString(locale());
-    case 11:
-        return ki18nc("Jalali month 11 - KLocale::LongName", "Bahman").toString(locale());
-    case 12:
-        return ki18nc("Jalali month 12 - KLocale::LongName", "Esfand").toString(locale());
-    default:
-        return QString();
-    }
 KCalendarSystemJalali::KCalendarSystemJalali(const KSharedConfig::Ptr config, const KLocale *locale)
                      : KCalendarSystem(*new KCalendarSystemJalaliPrivate(this), config, locale)
@@ -374,16 +214,6 @@ bool KCalendarSystemJalali::isLeapYear(const QDate &date) const
     return KCalendarSystem::isLeapYear(date);
-QString KCalendarSystemJalali::monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format) const
-    return KCalendarSystem::monthName(month, year, format);
-QString KCalendarSystemJalali::monthName(const QDate &date, MonthNameFormat format) const
-    return KCalendarSystem::monthName(date, format);
 bool KCalendarSystemJalali::isLunar() const
     return false;
@@ -516,3 +346,162 @@ bool KCalendarSystemJalali::dateToJulianDay(int year, int month, int day, qint64
     return true;
+QString KCalendarSystemJalali::monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format) const
+    Q_UNUSED(year);
+    if (format == NarrowName) {
+        switch (month) {
+        case 1:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 1 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "F").toString(locale());
+        case 2:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 2 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "O").toString(locale());
+        case 3:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 3 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "K").toString(locale());
+        case 4:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 4 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "T").toString(locale());
+        case 5:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 5 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "M").toString(locale());
+        case 6:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 6 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "S").toString(locale());
+        case 7:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 7 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "M").toString(locale());
+        case 8:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 8 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "A").toString(locale());
+        case 9:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 9 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "A").toString(locale());
+        case 10:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 10 - KLocale::NarrowName", "D").toString(locale());
+        case 11:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 11 - KLocale::NarrowName", "B").toString(locale());
+        case 12:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 12 - KLocale::NarrowName", "E").toString(locale());
+        default:
+            return QString();
+        }
+    }
+    if (format == ShortNamePossessive) {
+        switch (month) {
+        case 1:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 1 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Far").toString(locale());
+        case 2:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 2 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Ord").toString(locale());
+        case 3:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 3 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Kho").toString(locale());
+        case 4:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 4 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Tir").toString(locale());
+        case 5:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 5 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Mor").toString(locale());
+        case 6:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 6 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Sha").toString(locale());
+        case 7:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 7 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Meh").toString(locale());
+        case 8:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 8 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Aba").toString(locale());
+        case 9:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 9 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Aza").toString(locale());
+        case 10:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 10 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive", "of Dei").toString(locale());
+        case 11:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 11 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive", "of Bah").toString(locale());
+        case 12:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 12 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive", "of Esf").toString(locale());
+        default:
+            return QString();
+        }
+    }
+    if (format == ShortName) {
+        switch (month) {
+        case 1:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 1 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Far").toString(locale());
+        case 2:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 2 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Ord").toString(locale());
+        case 3:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 3 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Kho").toString(locale());
+        case 4:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 4 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Tir").toString(locale());
+        case 5:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 5 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Mor").toString(locale());
+        case 6:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 6 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Sha").toString(locale());
+        case 7:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 7 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Meh").toString(locale());
+        case 8:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 8 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Aba").toString(locale());
+        case 9:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 9 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Aza").toString(locale());
+        case 10:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 10 - KLocale::ShortName", "Dei").toString(locale());
+        case 11:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 11 - KLocale::ShortName", "Bah").toString(locale());
+        case 12:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 12 - KLocale::ShortName", "Esf").toString(locale());
+        default:
+            return QString();
+        }
+    }
+    if (format == LongNamePossessive) {
+        switch (month) {
+        case 1:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 1 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Farvardin").toString(locale());
+        case 2:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 2 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Ordibehesht").toString(locale());
+        case 3:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 3 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Khordad").toString(locale());
+        case 4:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 4 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Tir").toString(locale());
+        case 5:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 5 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Mordad").toString(locale());
+        case 6:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 6 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Shahrivar").toString(locale());
+        case 7:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 7 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Mehr").toString(locale());
+        case 8:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 8 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Aban").toString(locale());
+        case 9:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 9 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of Azar").toString(locale());
+        case 10:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 10 - KLocale::LongName Possessive", "of Dei").toString(locale());
+        case 11:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 11 - KLocale::LongName Possessive", "of Bahman").toString(locale());
+        case 12:
+            return ki18nc("Jalali month 12 - KLocale::LongName Possessive", "of Esfand").toString(locale());
+        default:
+            return QString();
+        }
+    }
+    // Default to LongName
+    switch (month) {
+    case 1:
+        return ki18nc("Jalali month 1 - KLocale::LongName",  "Farvardin").toString(locale());
+    case 2:
+        return ki18nc("Jalali month 2 - KLocale::LongName",  "Ordibehesht").toString(locale());
+    case 3:
+        return ki18nc("Jalali month 3 - KLocale::LongName",  "Khordad").toString(locale());
+    case 4:
+        return ki18nc("Jalali month 4 - KLocale::LongName",  "Tir").toString(locale());
+    case 5:
+        return ki18nc("Jalali month 5 - KLocale::LongName",  "Mordad").toString(locale());
+    case 6:
+        return ki18nc("Jalali month 6 - KLocale::LongName",  "Shahrivar").toString(locale());
+    case 7:
+        return ki18nc("Jalali month 7 - KLocale::LongName",  "Mehr").toString(locale());
+    case 8:
+        return ki18nc("Jalali month 8 - KLocale::LongName",  "Aban").toString(locale());
+    case 9:
+        return ki18nc("Jalali month 9 - KLocale::LongName",  "Azar").toString(locale());
+    case 10:
+        return ki18nc("Jalali month 10 - KLocale::LongName", "Dei").toString(locale());
+    case 11:
+        return ki18nc("Jalali month 11 - KLocale::LongName", "Bahman").toString(locale());
+    case 12:
+        return ki18nc("Jalali month 12 - KLocale::LongName", "Esfand").toString(locale());
+    default:
+        return QString();
+    }
diff --git a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjalali_p.h b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjalali_p.h
index 5c6f6a2..7f5a4ae 100644
--- a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjalali_p.h
+++ b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjalali_p.h
@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ public:
     virtual bool isLeapYear(const QDate &date) const;
     virtual QString monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format = LongName) const;
-    virtual QString monthName(const QDate &date, MonthNameFormat format = LongName) const;
     virtual bool isLunar() const;
     virtual bool isLunisolar() const;
diff --git a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjapanese.cpp b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjapanese.cpp
index 3a0d8e7..0ea80cf 100644
--- a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjapanese.cpp
+++ b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjapanese.cpp
@@ -150,16 +150,6 @@ bool KCalendarSystemJapanese::isLeapYear(const QDate &date) const
     return KCalendarSystemGregorian::isLeapYear(date);
-QString KCalendarSystemJapanese::monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format) const
-    return KCalendarSystemGregorian::monthName(month, year, format);
-QString KCalendarSystemJapanese::monthName(const QDate &date, MonthNameFormat format) const
-    return KCalendarSystemGregorian::monthName(date, format);
 int KCalendarSystemJapanese::yearStringToInteger(const QString &sNum, int &iLength) const
     QString gannen = i18nc("Japanese year 1 of era", "Gannen");
diff --git a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjapanese_p.h b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjapanese_p.h
index 2e2f126..fc368a2 100644
--- a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjapanese_p.h
+++ b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjapanese_p.h
@@ -51,9 +51,6 @@ public:
     virtual bool isLeapYear(int year) const;
     virtual bool isLeapYear(const QDate &date) const;
-    virtual QString monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format = LongName) const;
-    virtual QString monthName(const QDate &date, MonthNameFormat format = LongName) const;
     virtual int yearStringToInteger(const QString &sNum, int &iLength) const;
     virtual bool isLunar() const;
diff --git a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjulian.cpp b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjulian.cpp
index e9a8d2c..16cd50e 100644
--- a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjulian.cpp
+++ b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjulian.cpp
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ public:
     virtual int maxMonthsInYear() const;
     virtual int earliestValidYear() const;
     virtual int latestValidYear() const;
-    virtual QString monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::DateTimeComponentFormat format, bool possessive) const;
     bool m_useCommonEra;
@@ -159,11 +158,142 @@ int KCalendarSystemJulianPrivate::latestValidYear() const
     return 9999;
-QString KCalendarSystemJulianPrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::DateTimeComponentFormat format, bool possessive) const
+KCalendarSystemJulian::KCalendarSystemJulian(const KSharedConfig::Ptr config, const KLocale *locale)
+                     : KCalendarSystem(*new KCalendarSystemJulianPrivate(this), config, locale)
+    d_ptr->loadConfig(calendarType());
+KCalendarSystemJulian::KCalendarSystemJulian(KCalendarSystemJulianPrivate &dd,
+                                             const KSharedConfig::Ptr config, const KLocale *locale)
+                     : KCalendarSystem(dd, config, locale)
+    d_ptr->loadConfig(calendarType());
+QString KCalendarSystemJulian::calendarType() const
+    return QLatin1String("julian");
+KLocale::CalendarSystem KCalendarSystemJulian::calendarSystem() const
+    return KLocale::JulianCalendar;
+QDate KCalendarSystemJulian::epoch() const
+    return QDate::fromJulianDay(1721426);
+QDate KCalendarSystemJulian::earliestValidDate() const
+    // 1 Jan 4712 BC, no year zero, cant be 4713BC due to error in QDate that day 0 is not valid
+    // and we really need the first in each year to be valid for the date maths
+    return QDate::fromJulianDay(366);
+QDate KCalendarSystemJulian::latestValidDate() const
+    // Set to last day of year 9999 until confirm date formats & widgets support > 9999
+    // 31 Dec 9999 AD, no year zero
+    return QDate::fromJulianDay(5373557);
+bool KCalendarSystemJulian::isLeapYear(int year) const
+    return KCalendarSystem::isLeapYear(year);
+bool KCalendarSystemJulian::isLeapYear(const QDate &date) const
+    return KCalendarSystem::isLeapYear(date);
+bool KCalendarSystemJulian::isLunar() const
+    return false;
+bool KCalendarSystemJulian::isLunisolar() const
+    return false;
+bool KCalendarSystemJulian::isSolar() const
+    return true;
+bool KCalendarSystemJulian::isProleptic() const
+    return true;
+bool KCalendarSystemJulian::julianDayToDate(qint64 jd, int &year, int &month, int &day) const
+    // Formula from The Calendar FAQ by Claus Tondering
+    // http://www.tondering.dk/claus/cal/node3.html#SECTION003161000000000000000
+    // NOTE: Coded from scratch from mathematical formulas, not copied from
+    // the Boost licensed source code
+    int b = 0;
+    int c = jd + 32082;
+    int d = ((4 * c) + 3) / 1461;
+    int e = c - ((1461 * d) / 4);
+    int m = ((5 * e) + 2) / 153;
+    day = e - (((153 * m) + 2) / 5) + 1;
+    month = m + 3 - (12 * (m / 10));
+    year = (100 * b) + d - 4800 + (m / 10);
+    // If year is -ve then is BC.  In Julian there is no year 0, but the maths
+    // is easier if we pretend there is, so internally year of 0 = 1BC = -1 outside
+    if (year < 1) {
+        year = year - 1;
+    }
+    return true;
+bool KCalendarSystemJulian::dateToJulianDay(int year, int month, int day, qint64 &jd) const
+    // Formula from The Calendar FAQ by Claus Tondering
+    // http://www.tondering.dk/claus/cal/node3.html#SECTION003161000000000000000
+    // NOTE: Coded from scratch from mathematical formulas, not copied from
+    // the Boost licensed source code
+    // If year is -ve then is BC.  In Julian there is no year 0, but the maths
+    // is easier if we pretend there is, so internally year of -1 = 1BC = 0 internally
+    int y;
+    if (year < 1) {
+        y = year + 1;
+    } else {
+        y = year;
+    }
+    int a = (14 - month) / 12;
+    y = y + 4800 - a;
+    int m = month + (12 * a) - 3;
+    jd = day
+         + (((153 * m) + 2) / 5)
+         + (365 * y)
+         + (y / 4)
+         - 32083;
+    return true;
+QString KCalendarSystemJulian::monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format) const
-    if (format == KLocale::NarrowName) {
+    if (format == NarrowName) {
         switch (month) {
         case 1:
             return ki18nc("Julian month 1 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "J").toString(locale());
@@ -194,7 +324,7 @@ QString KCalendarSystemJulianPrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::Da
-    if (format == KLocale::ShortName && possessive) {
+    if (format == ShortNamePossessive) {
         switch (month) {
         case 1:
             return ki18nc("Julian month 1 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Jan").toString(locale());
@@ -225,7 +355,7 @@ QString KCalendarSystemJulianPrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::Da
-    if (format == KLocale::ShortName && !possessive) {
+    if (format == ShortName) {
         switch (month) {
         case 1:
             return ki18nc("Julian month 1 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Jan").toString(locale());
@@ -256,7 +386,7 @@ QString KCalendarSystemJulianPrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::Da
-    if (format == KLocale::LongName && possessive) {
+    if (format == LongNamePossessive) {
         switch (month) {
         case 1:
             return ki18nc("Julian month 1 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of January").toString(locale());
@@ -317,144 +447,3 @@ QString KCalendarSystemJulianPrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::Da
         return QString();
-KCalendarSystemJulian::KCalendarSystemJulian(const KSharedConfig::Ptr config, const KLocale *locale)
-                     : KCalendarSystem(*new KCalendarSystemJulianPrivate(this), config, locale)
-    d_ptr->loadConfig(calendarType());
-KCalendarSystemJulian::KCalendarSystemJulian(KCalendarSystemJulianPrivate &dd,
-                                             const KSharedConfig::Ptr config, const KLocale *locale)
-                     : KCalendarSystem(dd, config, locale)
-    d_ptr->loadConfig(calendarType());
-QString KCalendarSystemJulian::calendarType() const
-    return QLatin1String("julian");
-KLocale::CalendarSystem KCalendarSystemJulian::calendarSystem() const
-    return KLocale::JulianCalendar;
-QDate KCalendarSystemJulian::epoch() const
-    return QDate::fromJulianDay(1721426);
-QDate KCalendarSystemJulian::earliestValidDate() const
-    // 1 Jan 4712 BC, no year zero, cant be 4713BC due to error in QDate that day 0 is not valid
-    // and we really need the first in each year to be valid for the date maths
-    return QDate::fromJulianDay(366);
-QDate KCalendarSystemJulian::latestValidDate() const
-    // Set to last day of year 9999 until confirm date formats & widgets support > 9999
-    // 31 Dec 9999 AD, no year zero
-    return QDate::fromJulianDay(5373557);
-bool KCalendarSystemJulian::isLeapYear(int year) const
-    return KCalendarSystem::isLeapYear(year);
-bool KCalendarSystemJulian::isLeapYear(const QDate &date) const
-    return KCalendarSystem::isLeapYear(date);
-QString KCalendarSystemJulian::monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format) const
-    return KCalendarSystem::monthName(month, year, format);
-QString KCalendarSystemJulian::monthName(const QDate &date, MonthNameFormat format) const
-    return KCalendarSystem::monthName(date, format);
-bool KCalendarSystemJulian::isLunar() const
-    return false;
-bool KCalendarSystemJulian::isLunisolar() const
-    return false;
-bool KCalendarSystemJulian::isSolar() const
-    return true;
-bool KCalendarSystemJulian::isProleptic() const
-    return true;
-bool KCalendarSystemJulian::julianDayToDate(qint64 jd, int &year, int &month, int &day) const
-    // Formula from The Calendar FAQ by Claus Tondering
-    // http://www.tondering.dk/claus/cal/node3.html#SECTION003161000000000000000
-    // NOTE: Coded from scratch from mathematical formulas, not copied from
-    // the Boost licensed source code
-    int b = 0;
-    int c = jd + 32082;
-    int d = ((4 * c) + 3) / 1461;
-    int e = c - ((1461 * d) / 4);
-    int m = ((5 * e) + 2) / 153;
-    day = e - (((153 * m) + 2) / 5) + 1;
-    month = m + 3 - (12 * (m / 10));
-    year = (100 * b) + d - 4800 + (m / 10);
-    // If year is -ve then is BC.  In Julian there is no year 0, but the maths
-    // is easier if we pretend there is, so internally year of 0 = 1BC = -1 outside
-    if (year < 1) {
-        year = year - 1;
-    }
-    return true;
-bool KCalendarSystemJulian::dateToJulianDay(int year, int month, int day, qint64 &jd) const
-    // Formula from The Calendar FAQ by Claus Tondering
-    // http://www.tondering.dk/claus/cal/node3.html#SECTION003161000000000000000
-    // NOTE: Coded from scratch from mathematical formulas, not copied from
-    // the Boost licensed source code
-    // If year is -ve then is BC.  In Julian there is no year 0, but the maths
-    // is easier if we pretend there is, so internally year of -1 = 1BC = 0 internally
-    int y;
-    if (year < 1) {
-        y = year + 1;
-    } else {
-        y = year;
-    }
-    int a = (14 - month) / 12;
-    y = y + 4800 - a;
-    int m = month + (12 * a) - 3;
-    jd = day
-         + (((153 * m) + 2) / 5)
-         + (365 * y)
-         + (y / 4)
-         - 32083;
-    return true;
diff --git a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjulian_p.h b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjulian_p.h
index 6ebe11a..329d7e5 100644
--- a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjulian_p.h
+++ b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemjulian_p.h
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ public:
     virtual bool isLeapYear(const QDate &date) const;
     virtual QString monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format = LongName) const;
-    virtual QString monthName(const QDate &date, MonthNameFormat format = LongName) const;
     virtual bool isLunar() const;
     virtual bool isLunisolar() const;
diff --git a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemminguo.cpp b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemminguo.cpp
index 477d090..b01ffda 100644
--- a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemminguo.cpp
+++ b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemminguo.cpp
@@ -124,16 +124,6 @@ bool KCalendarSystemMinguo::isLeapYear(const QDate &date) const
     return KCalendarSystemGregorian::isLeapYear(date);
-QString KCalendarSystemMinguo::monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format) const
-    return KCalendarSystemGregorian::monthName(month, year, format);
-QString KCalendarSystemMinguo::monthName(const QDate &date, MonthNameFormat format) const
-    return KCalendarSystemGregorian::monthName(date, format);
 bool KCalendarSystemMinguo::isLunar() const
     return KCalendarSystemGregorian::isLunar();
@@ -165,4 +155,3 @@ bool KCalendarSystemMinguo::dateToJulianDay(int year, int month, int day, qint64
     return KCalendarSystemGregorian::dateToJulianDay(year + 1911, month, day, jd);
diff --git a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemminguo_p.h b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemminguo_p.h
index d259f12..b0b9fd5 100644
--- a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemminguo_p.h
+++ b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemminguo_p.h
@@ -51,9 +51,6 @@ public:
     virtual bool isLeapYear(int year) const;
     virtual bool isLeapYear(const QDate &date) const;
-    virtual QString monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format = LongName) const;
-    virtual QString monthName(const QDate &date, MonthNameFormat format = LongName) const;
     virtual bool isLunar() const;
     virtual bool isLunisolar() const;
     virtual bool isSolar() const;
diff --git a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemprivate_p.h b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemprivate_p.h
index c6c41e0..722e87d 100644
--- a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemprivate_p.h
+++ b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemprivate_p.h
@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ public:
     virtual int maxMonthsInYear() const = 0;
     virtual int earliestValidYear() const = 0;
     virtual int latestValidYear() const = 0;
-    virtual QString monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::DateTimeComponentFormat format, bool possessive = false) const = 0;
     // Virtual methods to re-implement if special maths needed
     // Currently only Hebrew may need special conversion, rest should be OK
diff --git a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemqdate.cpp b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemqdate.cpp
index 3e5631a..1a905a2 100644
--- a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemqdate.cpp
+++ b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemqdate.cpp
@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ public:
     virtual int maxMonthsInYear() const;
     virtual int earliestValidYear() const;
     virtual int latestValidYear() const;
-    virtual QString monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::DateTimeComponentFormat format, bool possessive) const;
     bool m_useCommonEra;
@@ -145,165 +144,6 @@ int KCalendarSystemQDatePrivate::latestValidYear() const
     return 9999;
-QString KCalendarSystemQDatePrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::DateTimeComponentFormat format, bool possessive) const
-    Q_UNUSED(year);
-    if (format == KLocale::NarrowName) {
-        switch (month) {
-        case 1:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 1 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "J").toString(locale());
-        case 2:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 2 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "F").toString(locale());
-        case 3:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 3 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "M").toString(locale());
-        case 4:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 4 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "A").toString(locale());
-        case 5:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 5 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "M").toString(locale());
-        case 6:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 6 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "J").toString(locale());
-        case 7:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 7 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "J").toString(locale());
-        case 8:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 8 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "A").toString(locale());
-        case 9:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 9 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "S").toString(locale());
-        case 10:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 10 - KLocale::NarrowName", "O").toString(locale());
-        case 11:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 11 - KLocale::NarrowName", "N").toString(locale());
-        case 12:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 12 - KLocale::NarrowName", "D").toString(locale());
-        default:
-            return QString();
-        }
-    }
-    if (format == KLocale::ShortName && possessive) {
-        switch (month) {
-        case 1:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 1 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Jan").toString(locale());
-        case 2:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 2 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Feb").toString(locale());
-        case 3:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 3 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Mar").toString(locale());
-        case 4:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 4 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Apr").toString(locale());
-        case 5:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 5 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of May").toString(locale());
-        case 6:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 6 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Jun").toString(locale());
-        case 7:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 7 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Jul").toString(locale());
-        case 8:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 8 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Aug").toString(locale());
-        case 9:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 9 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Sep").toString(locale());
-        case 10:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 10 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive", "of Oct").toString(locale());
-        case 11:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 11 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive", "of Nov").toString(locale());
-        case 12:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 12 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive", "of Dec").toString(locale());
-        default:
-            return QString();
-        }
-    }
-    if (format == KLocale::ShortName && !possessive) {
-        switch (month) {
-        case 1:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 1 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Jan").toString(locale());
-        case 2:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 2 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Feb").toString(locale());
-        case 3:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 3 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Mar").toString(locale());
-        case 4:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 4 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Apr").toString(locale());
-        case 5:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 5 - KLocale::ShortName",  "May").toString(locale());
-        case 6:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 6 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Jun").toString(locale());
-        case 7:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 7 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Jul").toString(locale());
-        case 8:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 8 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Aug").toString(locale());
-        case 9:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 9 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Sep").toString(locale());
-        case 10:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 10 - KLocale::ShortName", "Oct").toString(locale());
-        case 11:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 11 - KLocale::ShortName", "Nov").toString(locale());
-        case 12:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 12 - KLocale::ShortName", "Dec").toString(locale());
-        default:
-            return QString();
-        }
-    }
-    if (format == KLocale::LongName && possessive) {
-        switch (month) {
-        case 1:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 1 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of January").toString(locale());
-        case 2:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 2 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of February").toString(locale());
-        case 3:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 3 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of March").toString(locale());
-        case 4:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 4 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of April").toString(locale());
-        case 5:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 5 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of May").toString(locale());
-        case 6:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 6 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of June").toString(locale());
-        case 7:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 7 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of July").toString(locale());
-        case 8:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 8 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of August").toString(locale());
-        case 9:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 9 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of September").toString(locale());
-        case 10:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 10 - KLocale::LongName Possessive", "of October").toString(locale());
-        case 11:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 11 - KLocale::LongName Possessive", "of November").toString(locale());
-        case 12:
-            return ki18nc("Gregorian month 12 - KLocale::LongName Possessive", "of December").toString(locale());
-        default:
-            return QString();
-        }
-    }
-    // Default to LongName
-    switch (month) {
-    case 1:
-        return ki18nc("Gregorian month 1 - KLocale::LongName",  "January").toString(locale());
-    case 2:
-        return ki18nc("Gregorian month 2 - KLocale::LongName",  "February").toString(locale());
-    case 3:
-        return ki18nc("Gregorian month 3 - KLocale::LongName",  "March").toString(locale());
-    case 4:
-        return ki18nc("Gregorian month 4 - KLocale::LongName",  "April").toString(locale());
-    case 5:
-        return ki18nc("Gregorian month 5 - KLocale::LongName",  "May").toString(locale());
-    case 6:
-        return ki18nc("Gregorian month 6 - KLocale::LongName",  "June").toString(locale());
-    case 7:
-        return ki18nc("Gregorian month 7 - KLocale::LongName",  "July").toString(locale());
-    case 8:
-        return ki18nc("Gregorian month 8 - KLocale::LongName",  "August").toString(locale());
-    case 9:
-        return ki18nc("Gregorian month 9 - KLocale::LongName",  "September").toString(locale());
-    case 10:
-        return ki18nc("Gregorian month 10 - KLocale::LongName", "October").toString(locale());
-    case 11:
-        return ki18nc("Gregorian month 11 - KLocale::LongName", "November").toString(locale());
-    case 12:
-        return ki18nc("Gregorian month 12 - KLocale::LongName", "December").toString(locale());
-    default:
-        return QString();
-    }
 KCalendarSystemQDate::KCalendarSystemQDate(const KSharedConfig::Ptr config, const KLocale *locale)
                     : KCalendarSystem(*new KCalendarSystemQDatePrivate(this), config, locale)
@@ -392,16 +232,6 @@ bool KCalendarSystemQDate::isLeapYear(const QDate &date) const
     return QDate::isLeapYear(date.year());
-QString KCalendarSystemQDate::monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format) const
-    return KCalendarSystem::monthName(month, year, format);
-QString KCalendarSystemQDate::monthName(const QDate &date, MonthNameFormat format) const
-    return KCalendarSystem::monthName(date, format);
 bool KCalendarSystemQDate::isLunar() const
     return false;
@@ -440,3 +270,162 @@ bool KCalendarSystemQDate::dateToJulianDay(int year, int month, int day, qint64
     return date.isValid();
+QString KCalendarSystemQDate::monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format) const
+    Q_UNUSED(year);
+    if (format == NarrowName) {
+        switch (month) {
+        case 1:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 1 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "J").toString(locale());
+        case 2:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 2 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "F").toString(locale());
+        case 3:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 3 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "M").toString(locale());
+        case 4:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 4 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "A").toString(locale());
+        case 5:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 5 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "M").toString(locale());
+        case 6:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 6 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "J").toString(locale());
+        case 7:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 7 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "J").toString(locale());
+        case 8:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 8 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "A").toString(locale());
+        case 9:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 9 - KLocale::NarrowName",  "S").toString(locale());
+        case 10:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 10 - KLocale::NarrowName", "O").toString(locale());
+        case 11:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 11 - KLocale::NarrowName", "N").toString(locale());
+        case 12:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 12 - KLocale::NarrowName", "D").toString(locale());
+        default:
+            return QString();
+        }
+    }
+    if (format == ShortNamePossessive) {
+        switch (month) {
+        case 1:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 1 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Jan").toString(locale());
+        case 2:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 2 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Feb").toString(locale());
+        case 3:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 3 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Mar").toString(locale());
+        case 4:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 4 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Apr").toString(locale());
+        case 5:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 5 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of May").toString(locale());
+        case 6:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 6 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Jun").toString(locale());
+        case 7:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 7 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Jul").toString(locale());
+        case 8:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 8 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Aug").toString(locale());
+        case 9:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 9 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive",  "of Sep").toString(locale());
+        case 10:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 10 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive", "of Oct").toString(locale());
+        case 11:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 11 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive", "of Nov").toString(locale());
+        case 12:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 12 - KLocale::ShortName Possessive", "of Dec").toString(locale());
+        default:
+            return QString();
+        }
+    }
+    if (format == ShortName) {
+        switch (month) {
+        case 1:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 1 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Jan").toString(locale());
+        case 2:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 2 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Feb").toString(locale());
+        case 3:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 3 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Mar").toString(locale());
+        case 4:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 4 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Apr").toString(locale());
+        case 5:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 5 - KLocale::ShortName",  "May").toString(locale());
+        case 6:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 6 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Jun").toString(locale());
+        case 7:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 7 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Jul").toString(locale());
+        case 8:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 8 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Aug").toString(locale());
+        case 9:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 9 - KLocale::ShortName",  "Sep").toString(locale());
+        case 10:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 10 - KLocale::ShortName", "Oct").toString(locale());
+        case 11:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 11 - KLocale::ShortName", "Nov").toString(locale());
+        case 12:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 12 - KLocale::ShortName", "Dec").toString(locale());
+        default:
+            return QString();
+        }
+    }
+    if (format == LongNamePossessive) {
+        switch (month) {
+        case 1:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 1 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of January").toString(locale());
+        case 2:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 2 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of February").toString(locale());
+        case 3:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 3 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of March").toString(locale());
+        case 4:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 4 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of April").toString(locale());
+        case 5:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 5 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of May").toString(locale());
+        case 6:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 6 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of June").toString(locale());
+        case 7:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 7 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of July").toString(locale());
+        case 8:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 8 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of August").toString(locale());
+        case 9:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 9 - KLocale::LongName Possessive",  "of September").toString(locale());
+        case 10:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 10 - KLocale::LongName Possessive", "of October").toString(locale());
+        case 11:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 11 - KLocale::LongName Possessive", "of November").toString(locale());
+        case 12:
+            return ki18nc("Julian month 12 - KLocale::LongName Possessive", "of December").toString(locale());
+        default:
+            return QString();
+        }
+    }
+    // Default to LongName
+    switch (month) {
+    case 1:
+        return ki18nc("Julian month 1 - KLocale::LongName",  "January").toString(locale());
+    case 2:
+        return ki18nc("Julian month 2 - KLocale::LongName",  "February").toString(locale());
+    case 3:
+        return ki18nc("Julian month 3 - KLocale::LongName",  "March").toString(locale());
+    case 4:
+        return ki18nc("Julian month 4 - KLocale::LongName",  "April").toString(locale());
+    case 5:
+        return ki18nc("Julian month 5 - KLocale::LongName",  "May").toString(locale());
+    case 6:
+        return ki18nc("Julian month 6 - KLocale::LongName",  "June").toString(locale());
+    case 7:
+        return ki18nc("Julian month 7 - KLocale::LongName",  "July").toString(locale());
+    case 8:
+        return ki18nc("Julian month 8 - KLocale::LongName",  "August").toString(locale());
+    case 9:
+        return ki18nc("Julian month 9 - KLocale::LongName",  "September").toString(locale());
+    case 10:
+        return ki18nc("Julian month 10 - KLocale::LongName", "October").toString(locale());
+    case 11:
+        return ki18nc("Julian month 11 - KLocale::LongName", "November").toString(locale());
+    case 12:
+        return ki18nc("Julian month 12 - KLocale::LongName", "December").toString(locale());
+    default:
+        return QString();
+    }
diff --git a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemqdate_p.h b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemqdate_p.h
index 55afe5a..bfe85a6 100644
--- a/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemqdate_p.h
+++ b/kdecore/date/kcalendarsystemqdate_p.h
@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ public:
     virtual bool isLeapYear(const QDate &date) const;
     virtual QString monthName(int month, int year, MonthNameFormat format = LongName) const;
-    virtual QString monthName(const QDate &date, MonthNameFormat format = LongName) const;
     virtual bool isLunar() const;
     virtual bool isLunisolar() const;

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