Dialogs, KMessage box and job widgets

Valentin Rusu kde at rusu.info
Wed Nov 14 19:37:53 UTC 2012


I have a question about KMessage class from kdeui/dialogs.

According to the epics page, kdeui/dialogs will go to tier3.
On the other hand, kdeui/jobs will go to tier2, only the class 
KDialogJobUiDelegate is actually using KMessageBox.
If KMessageBox will stay in "dialogs", then tier2 jobs will need to call 
tier3. I suppose that's not the desired situation.

What would be the best solution in order to follow the defined policies? 
Where should KMessageBox go?


Valentin Rusu (IRC valir, KDE vrusu)
KSecretsService (former KSecretService, KWallet replacement)

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