compilation instructions

David Faure faure at
Sun Jun 10 08:41:16 UTC 2012

On Saturday 09 June 2012 16:29:02 Jignesh Kakadiya wrote:
> Hi David,
> Is there any documentation available for setting up the KDE Framework? I
> tried searching it and also asked in #kde-devel but no success yet

I had a look and there isn't really documentation for this specifically yet.
But indeed there should be :-)

I think in the current state, it would say something like this:

* Choose an install prefix, for instance
export KF5=$HOME/kf5

* You need cmake from git (right?)
git clone git://
cd cmake
./configure --prefix $KF5
make install

* Check you can find the new cmake
export PATH=$KF5/bin:$PATH
which cmake

* Checkout and build extra-cmake-modules
git clone git://
cd extra-cmake-modules
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$KF5 . ; make ; make install

* Checkout and build kdelibs (frameworks branch)
git clone kde:kdelibs
 (see about setting the kde prefix in the git config)
cd kdelibs ; git checkout frameworks
mkdir build ; cd build
make install
make test

Did I forget anything?
I'll put this up on the wiki somewhere.

David Faure, faure at,
Sponsored by Nokia to work on KDE, incl. KDE Frameworks 5

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