<srcdir>/cmake/modules/ vs. <srcdir>/cmake/

Alexander Neundorf neundorf at kde.org
Sat Feb 18 16:35:14 UTC 2012

On Saturday 18 February 2012, Kevin Ottens wrote:
> On Saturday 18 February 2012 17:09:55 Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> > in kdelibs we have the directory cmake/modules/, where we have all the
> > Find- modules.
> > Back then when we ported kdelibs to cmake I thought it would make sense
> > to put these modules into a subdirectory of cmake/, since there might
> > come other stuff.
> > 
> > Now, 6 years later, we can look back.
> > There was basically no other stuff, so I think for new stuff (e.g.
> > frameworks) we should switch from using cmake/modules/ to simply cmake/.
> Sounds good to me. Worth putting in the directory policy?
> http://community.kde.org/Frameworks/Policies#Framework_directory_structure
> We're basically saying nothing about cmake, I wonder how common that will
> be to have cmake modules in a single framework, aren't we pushing to have
> as many as possible in ECM?

No, not as many as possible, only those which are somewhat generic and good 
enough. A good sign that it is somewhat generic is if there exists already a 
Find-module for this package somewhere else.
If some library needs some exotic library, it should be good enough if it 
contains the Find-module itself.

One policy is: don't install Find-modules ! (except via extra-cmake-modules)


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