libplasma2 changes

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Mon Dec 10 11:17:40 UTC 2012

Hi all,

Marco and I have been working on libplasma2 in the frameworks branch. The past 
days have produced the following changes:

kdelibs/plasma is now only built on top of Qt

was: kdelibs/plasma is not built at all on Qt5, as well as the kdeclarative 
library. We discussed this, and decided to 
drop the Qt4 build for libplasma and kdeclarative as the changes are way too 
intrusive to make 
sense on Qt4 (we dropped about 60K lines of QGraphicsView-based code, to be 
replaced with QML components).

A very simple application starts and displays a FrameSvg on top of scene graph

A very bare bones Plasma shell based on Qt5 and libplasma2 can now start on 
top of the frameworks branch. For that, build latest frameworks, run 
kbuildsycoca (the KF5 version!), build kde:scratch/mart/testplasma2 and try 
running the resulting binary. In order for the build to find KF5Transitional, 
we used the following magic incantation: cmake -
DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/sebas/kf5/install -
DCMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH=/usr:/usr/local:/home/sebas/kf5/install -
DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=/home/sebas/kf5/install/share/cmake/modules .. 

What's is still missing there is the control of what is getting displayed from 
the Corona.

Plasma::Package::(un)install() are now non-static and async

This was started at the Randa meeting, it makes package installation and 
uninstallation asynchronous, the functions now return a KJob* to track 
progress and result. The actual work is now done in a thread.
I've not gotten all tests to pass yet, but we decided to get this in already 
anyway, we'll have a closer look at the tests, once we get consistent results 
Along with these changes, we've commmitted a crude port of plasmapkg into a 
new "frameworks" branch in kde-runtime. Installation and deinstallation of 
packages appears to work just fine with this.

sebas and notmart | | GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9

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