kdeui splitup (widgets)
David Faure
faure at kde.org
Sun Apr 29 08:20:01 UTC 2012
It seems to me that we haven't properly defined yet, what goes where.
Looking at kdeui and at the current kwidgets, while filling in
I came up with the following proposal:
* kguiaddons, for QtGui-related classes (no widgets), such as color utils; no
change there.
* kstandalonewidgets or any better name, for independent reusable widgets,
such as:
KSeparator, KHBox/KVBox, KLed, KArrowButton, KCapacityBar (if the dependencies
on kcolorscheme and kstyle can be sorted out), KButtonGroup, KNumInput,
KRuler, KXYSelector, KSqueezedTextLabel (until this goes into Qt itself),
Hmm, I was hoping the list would be longer, but many widgets have a dependency
on KIconLoader, or KColorScheme, or KCalendarSystem (might be fixed by Qt5,
don't know),
* and kwidgets, for the "bigger" stuff, KLineEdit [advanced completion
support], KComboBox [ditto], icon loading, gui items, dependencies on KConfig
(directly or via KGlobalSettings), etc. Possibly KMainWindow, KToolBar and all
that, too.
The difference is that kstandalonewidgets can be tier1 -- no dependencies on
any other frameworks, while kwidgets is tier2 or 3, with all its dependencies
(kcoreaddons, kguiaddons, kconfig, etc.)
Hopefully this also gives a clear answer to earlier questions about "should we
remove dependencies on kguiaddons or not". Yes if the target is
kstandalonewidgets, no if the target is kwidgets.
Feedback welcome, including better naming.
David Faure, faure at kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
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