frameworks build issues

Jeremy Whiting jpwhiting at
Mon Nov 21 00:34:57 UTC 2011

Hello all,

I took another crack at the kcolorscheme migration in frameworks
branch yesterday, and got it to not depend on KGlobalSettings any
longer.  Unfortunately I still get warnings when I run cmake like

-- Configuring done
CMake Error: Attempt to add a custom rule to output
which already has a custom rule.
CMake Error: Attempt to add a custom rule to output
which already has a custom rule.
CMake Error: INSTALL(EXPORT "kcoreaddonsLibraryTargets" ...) includes
target "kcoreaddons" which requires target "inqt5" that is not in the
export set.
CMake Error: INSTALL(EXPORT "kguiLibraryTargets" ...) includes target
"kgui" which requires target "kdecore" that is not in the export set.
CMake Error: INSTALL(EXPORT "kguiLibraryTargets" ...) includes target
"kgui" which requires target "kcoreaddons" that is not in the export
CMake Error: INSTALL(EXPORT "kguiLibraryTargets" ...) includes target
"kgui" which requires target "inqt5" that is not in the export set.

is the way I added kdecore and kcoreaddons to kgui's
target_link_libraries wrong or something?

Anyway, I committed my changes to the branch.  Besides the cmake
issues I also get link errors in tier1/kauth like this:

Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
/usr/bin/ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol rrors; defaulting to
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [lib/] Error 1
make[1]: *** [tier1/libkauth/CMakeFiles/kauth.dir/all] Error 2

I'm thinking these are not related issues, but I can't seem to get
libkauth to build at all, even with a clean build folder.  Is it still
a work in progress?

Should we be using separate branches to work on stuff like this and
merge them into frameworks when they build?


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