GSoC '21 KMyMoney : I am stuck.

Thomas Baumgart thb at
Mon Jun 14 20:38:38 BST 2021

Hi Suraj,

On Montag, 14. Juni 2021 21:19:34 CEST Suraj Kumar Mahto wrote:

> Hello,
> I am stuck with things related to how I should proceed further on the
> project. I am confused about what to do in the project now. Since most of
> the implementations I planned(in the timeline) is already there in
> libalkimia like alkonlinewidget functions and other usages of functions
> related to online quotes.
> At present, I have the online quotes page with debugging support which
> crashes(segmentation fault) also it does not have the previous data which
> was there. I have few assumptions for proceeding further like debugging the
> crash error or work on the update file.

Thanks for contacting us in this tough situation. Not knowing the details
about the crashes you experience, they could be related to the fact, that
the code in Alkimia was written for KDE4 not KF5 and I am not sure how much
of KF5 is already supported.

Let's figure out what is causing these crashes. Since they are reproducible
they should also be fixable. Do you have the (crashing) codebase in your repo
(maybe on a special branch) so that we can take a look at it? If not, can you
provide more details (backtraces) about the crashes?

> I need some direction regarding the project for now. Please help with the
> same.

I suggest you continue to resolve the crashes. If you have enough of it, you
may take a look into the update functionality. One of the things you can do
is to contact the kmymoney-devel list and ask people for samples of their 
kmymoneyrc file. 

I start with one of the entries I use here:

[Online-Quote-Source-KMyMoney Currency]



Thomas Baumgart       Signal, the better WhatsApp
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