Regarding GSOC 2020 ktoBlzCheck Development

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at
Wed Mar 18 18:09:35 GMT 2020

Am 14.03.20 um 16:25 schrieb Shubham Kumar:
> Hello everyone ,
Hi Shubham,
> I am planning to participate in GSOC 2020 with project of ktoBlzCheck
> development. I am familiar with the codebase and currently drafting a
> proposal for this.I have good C and C++ programming skills and have
> experience in library development for C++.
Nice to hear.
> I am requesting  the mentors or any other moderators familiar with
> this project to please reply as soon as possible as i need
> clarification on some points.

You did not wrote anything about what you want to be clarified.

At a starting point you may inspect the posts to this list from the last
two month, which may already give you some answers.



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