Using regex to extract date for valid_upto field from bank's webpage

Thomas Baumgart thb at
Thu Jun 11 05:43:22 BST 2020

On Donnerstag, 11. Juni 2020 05:04:20 CEST Prasun Kumar wrote:

> I did it using this:
> string(REGEX MATCH "Bankleitzahlendateien - gültig vom ([^ ]*)" FILE_DATE
>  "${DATA}")
>     if(FILE_DATE)
>         string(REPLACE "Bankleitzahlendateien - gültig vom " "" FILE_DATE
> "${FILE_DATE}")
>     endif()

That indeed looks a bit awkward. Thinking about it, I would use this

  string(REGEX MATCH "([0-9\.]+)" FILE_DATE ${FILE_DATA})

to extract the date from the filename. If you really want to make sure
the filename matches the whole pattern, you could use this two step approach:

  string(REGEX MATCH "Bankleitzahlendateien - gültig vom ([^ ]*)" FILE_DATE ${DATA})
  string(REGEX MATCH "([0-9\.]+)" FILE_DATE ${FILE_DATE})

The first regex makes sure that the full pattern matches and the
second extracts the date from it.

> But anyway, thanks. It will help me next time.

You should really change it for beauty of the code. 

> BTW is this feature mentioned somewhere in the CMake documentation?


()        Saves a matched subexpression, which can be referenced
          in the REGEX REPLACE operation. Additionally it is saved
          by all regular expression-related commands, including
          e.g. if( MATCHES ), in the variables CMAKE_MATCH_(0..9).



Thomas Baumgart       Signal, the better WhatsApp
Linux & Open Source Software - aaah, the sweet smell of 'Free'dom
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