GSoC project

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at
Thu Feb 27 19:08:26 GMT 2020

Am 27.02.20 um 19:54 schrieb aryan jangid:
> Thanks Ralf.
> I understood most of the things.
> 1. We need to generate SQLite DB from the bankdata text file.
> 2. Use that DB in the calling API and command line tools.
> 3. Write the unit-tests and documentation.
> But I have a couple of questions. 
> 1. These changes would be done in kmymonkey or should we integrate it
> inside ktoblzcheck itself?
in ktoblzcheck to be usable by any finance application
> 2. I see SQLite DB already being created
> here
This should be moved to ktoblzcheck and could be used as base.
> I would appreciate your reply.
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> On Sun, Feb 23, 2020 at 4:55 PM Ralf Habacker
> <ralf.habacker at <mailto:ralf.habacker at>> wrote:
>     Am 22.02.20 um 08:57 schrieb aryan jangid:
>     > Hi Ralf,
>     Hi Aryan,
>     > I am interested in doing GSoC this summer. The project KtoBlzCheck
>     > interests me. Can you please tell me a bit about it and some
>     resources?
>     See for informations about the
>     project.  The actual gsoc project covers:
>     1. integrate generating sqlite database from
>     2. replace the code, which uses the bank data text file with code that
>     uses the new sqlite database
>     3. write/refactor unit tests for the new code
>     4. It may required to refactor/simplify the cmake build system while
>     working on it
>     5. add additional countries to the generated sqlite database (see
>     6. extend ktoblzcheck code to use  the additional countries
>     7. write/refactor unit tests for the new code
>     8. update ktoblzcheck documentation
>     You should subscribe for
>     getting in contact with the project and study
>     Regards
>     Ralf
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