Handling Netherlands' bankId

Prasun Kumar prasun.code at gmail.com
Mon Aug 17 18:15:17 BST 2020

Hi Thomas,
Thanks for answering.

> I think turning the member var into a std::string is a viable solution.
> I scanned briefly over the source and found important use of the numeric
> variant only in the "German" sections of it.

I thought that was the better idea too. Initially, I was looking for
alternate ways because of the API design
principles of avoiding modifications in a public API. However, I think if
the ctors and other methods are
adjusted accordingly, it would not impact anyone dependent on the API.

Thanks for the insight.

On Mon, 17 Aug 2020 at 11:50, Thomas Baumgart <thb at net-bembel.de> wrote:

> Hi Prasun,
> On Sonntag, 16. August 2020 07:31:03 CEST Prasun Kumar wrote:
> > Hi mentors,
> > The Record class has member 'bankId' of type unsigned long. However, in
> the
> > case of the Netherlands,
> > the bankID is a string due to which it is not working correctly. Should I
> > create another class named NL_Record
> > or something similar to handle Netherlands records? Alternatively, I
> could
> > just expand the 4 character bankID of
> > Netherlands into a long integer but that feels sort of like a hack and
> not
> > a solution.
> > Please let me know if there is a good way to handle this.
> I think turning the member var into a std::string is a viable solution.
> I scanned briefly over the source and found important use of the numeric
> variant only in the "German" sections of it. One thing I would not touch
> are
> the check functions, but they can be called with
>   return (iter2->second)(account, weight, accountId, atol(bankId));
> instead of
>   return (iter2->second)(account, weight, accountId, bankId);
> You may get rid of the ctor using the unsigned long as argument. Have not
> checked
> where it is used. A ctor providing a char* as argument already exists.
> One thing you need to change is the definition of the map containing
> pointers
> to the Records, which uses the ulong as key. This also needs to be changed
> and
> all the code using it, but should be straight forward.
> I would vote against using a special object (as in NL_Record).
> On a side note: using constructs like
>   if (country == "DE")
>   else if(country == "NL")
>   else if ...
> usually calls for a base class and some special derivatives and a set of
> virtual methods that do the specialization. But that change is maybe
> something for another project.
> Hope that helps.
> --
> Regards
> Thomas Baumgart
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