[Kde-finance-apps] Re: Talk at Desktop Summit

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Sat Mar 5 09:51:18 CET 2011

Hi fellow finance app devs,

on Saturday 05 March 2011 09:08:14 Klaas Freitag wrote:

> Am Freitag, 4. März 2011, 21:01:19 schrieb Alvaro Soliverez:
> Hi,
> > is anyone preparing a talk for the Desktop Summit. I'd like to give
> > the talk we couldn't do last year, and talk about all the available
> > finance applications in KDE, and Alkimia.
> Thats awesome, as that also means that you will make the long way to
>  Berlin, another reason for me/us to go there :-)

I haven't been in Berlin for a long time, so my plan is to show up there for 
the Desktop Summit in early August.  I still have to coordinate the event with 
the family's summer vacation, though. Unfortunately, there is some collision.

> Apart from the talk which I highly appreciate, we should set up  a BOF to
>  talk and pull more people in and possibly hack on Alkimia.

Good point.

> > I've just been accepted a talk about Alkimia at Camp KDE, btw.
> Also great.

Yeah, esp. this years location. I'd love to visit San Francisco again after I 
have lived in the Bay Area 20 yrs ago. I remember having dinner in a nice 
Korean restaurant right there in Japantown besides so many other things. Well, 
good ol' memories ...



Thomas Baumgart

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