[Kde-finance-apps] Alkimia Repository

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Sun May 23 10:15:58 CEST 2010

Hi folks,

I know that we talked about the alkimia repository at the sprint in Eschborn, 
and sort of remember that we decided not to create it before we actually have 
something to stick in.

Well, I am at this point to make a first contribution very soon and just want 
to know, where we want to have it. Should it go into

a) playground/libs
b) playground/office
c) playground/utils

In either case, the name will be alkimia (so that we shop up early on in the 
listings ;)  ).  Do we need a further division into submodules? With the 
projects in the pipe this might make sense. I would drop my stuff in  
alkimia/libalkimia then.

Any thoughts and suggestions are welcome.



Thomas Baumgart

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Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
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