[Kde-finance-apps] Finance Sprint article on the dot

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Sat Jun 26 23:13:21 CEST 2010

Hi all,

on Saturday 26 June 2010 22:58:00 Guillaume DE BURE wrote:

> Added a new chapter after "Day 3" and before "History and future of the
>  group"
> --------------------
> Special thanks
> This may not be the Oscars, but still, we'd like to thank those all made
>  the event possible. That means the KDE e.V. board for allowing the event
>  to happen, and especially to Claudia who did a fantastic job arranging the
>  venue, taking care of visas, and generally making everything happen
>  smoothly. You rock !

Some corrections and additions:

Special thanks

This may not be the Oscars, but still, we'd like to thank all those who made
the event possible. That means SyroCon for supplying the conference room, 
coffee, beer and an internet connection, the KDE e.V. board for supporting the 
event financially by paying for travel expenses, and especially to Claudia who 
did a fantastic job arranging the venue, taking care of visas, and generally 
making everything happen smoothly. You rock !

> Are we good to go ?

Just my 0.02.   I think so.



Thomas Baumgart

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