[Kde-finance-apps] Problem Using getter and Setter Function

Mukesh Gupta mukesh.gupta2011 at ece.dce.edu
Wed Jun 23 15:41:50 CEST 2010

Hello Friends,
I am trying to use getter and setter functions in my class but facing a
problem. My code goes as follows;

Class Alkrecord

Q_PROPERTY(QString source READ source WRITE setsource);
//setter function
void setsource (const QString& source)

//getter function
 QString source() const
         return m_source;

QString  m_source;


AlkRecord::AlkRecord(QString const& Src, QString const& Memo, QString const&
 *source= Src;*

The error  is as follows:

*error: invalid use of member (did you forget the ‘&’ ?)
*This error is in the line shown in bold

Shouldn't the setter function be called when i try to assing source with
some value.
Also how do i get the value of m_variable using getter function.

Please help.

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