[Kde-finance-apps] Alkimia Database Class -First Commit

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Mon Jun 21 20:45:09 CEST 2010

Hi all,

on Monday 21 June 2010 18:53:07 Mukesh Gupta wrote:

> Hello Friends,
> My first commit to  for alkimia is here
> https://svn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/playground/office/alkimia/alkdbus/Alkrec
> ord/
> It consists of alkrecord class which will handle query and register
> functions for the dbus server.Will add more functionality soon.The file
> :ALK_DBASE: file is the sqlie database which is initially populated with
> some records mentioned in the main.cpp file.
> For testing out the sqlite database  i use SQLite manager application which
> is a firefox addon(
> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/ <goog_579283277>*firefox*/addon/5817/  )
> though i have written a function to list out all database records but the
> addon provides more flexibilty.

You might want to take a look at 


> Please check out the code and review .

Here's a first impression:

* please use proper indentation. Feel free to take a look at 

kmymoney.sh which will take care of the indentation for you.

* Don't use all caps for class names

* use "call by const ref" in favor of "call by value" whenever possible, e.g. 

    ALKRECORD(QString Source,QString Memo,QString Amount);


    AlkRecord(const QString &Source, const QString &Memo,
              const QString &Amount);

* Consistency: either start variables consistently with lowercase letters

  e.g.  Duedate  -> dueDate

* use getter and setter methods instead of public accessible member variables

* provide a licence in all the source files. Please see the libalkimia source 
files as example.

* provide documentation in form of comments formatted for Doxygen processing 

So much for now.  I know, Rome wasn't built in one day, but I want to give as 
much feedback as possible.



Thomas Baumgart

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