[Kde-extra-gear] Yakuake And Start up Execution of Commands

Eike Hein hein at kde.org
Wed Sep 7 10:42:20 UTC 2011

On 9/6/2011 11:54 PM, Gregory P. Ennis wrote:
> Everyone,

Hi Greg,

> I just discovered yakuake as a replacement of the konsole terminal
> emulators.  Can anyone on the list point me to a site that explains any
> special configuration options.  In particular I was hopeful that I could
> choose a profile in the same manner of konsole with the expectation of
> executing the command in the "command" section of the profile.

Yakuake embeds the Konsole KPart component to provide
terminal emulation. The terminal context menu, the pro-
file dialogs and profile setttings are all part of the
Konsole KPart component.

Unfortunately Konsole is a somewhat misarchitected app-
lication in that unlike apps like Okular, the Konsole
main application doesn't embed its own KPart. Thus
there has been little pressure over the years to main-
tain the KPart decently, and it sometimes has bugs that
the main application doesn't have.

Thus, if the "command" section of the profile does not
work in Yakuake, I'd ask you to please file a bug re-
report against Konsole, against its KPart subcomponent
in the bug tracker.

In the meantime, you may be able to make do with the
D-Bus interface Yakuake exposes. The D-Bus interface
allows for such things as spawning tabs, and running
commands in their terminals. Thus using the D-Bus in-
terface you can script various executions. You can use
qdbusviewer and qdbus, provided with Qt, to interact
with the D-Bus interface. Here is a basic example:

qdbus org.kde.yakuake /yakuake/sessions runCommand "foo"

This will run "foo" in the currently active terminal
in the currently active tab. There are also calls to
run commands in specific terminals by id, and many
other calls.

Hope that helps you.

> Greg Ennis

Best regards,
Eike Hein

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