[Kde-extra-gear] ANN: KDevelop 4.2.0 released

Milian Wolff milianw at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Wed Jan 26 21:44:56 CET 2011

Hey all!

I wanted to quickly notify you all about the availability of KDevelop 4.2.0 
final, you can download it here:


Most people should be fine with waiting for updated packages from their 
distributor though.

This is a feature release with lots of shiny improvements and fixes. And - 
which is why I announce it now - it is required for users of [the new KDE 4.6]
[1]. So if you happen to use that, make sure you update to KDevelop 4.2 as 
well. Stay tuned for a full blown release announcement on [the Dot][2] soon. 
If you are interested in the changes now, take a look at [this][3], [this][4], 
and [that][5]. Thanks to all contributors who made this release possible, 
especially I would like to emphasize the contributions by new people - 

Sorry for not having a proper Dot announcement on time, I hope to do better 
for the next release...

[1]: http://dot.kde.org/2011/01/26/kde-puts-you-control-new-workspaces-
[2]: (http://dot.kde.org)
[3]: (http://milianw.de/blog/kdevelop-42-beta-1-released)
[4]: (/blog/kdevelop-42-beta-2-available)
[5]: (/blog/kdevelop-42-rc1-released)
Milian Wolff
milianw at zedat.fu-berlin.de

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