[Kde-extra-gear] Krecipes 2.0-alpha2

José Manuel Santamaría Lema panfaust at gmail.com
Sat Sep 19 21:13:55 CEST 2009


I have released Krecipes 2.0-alpha2 which is the second Krecipes release for 

Quoting some things in the announcement for 2.0-alpha1:

>A problem about 1.0 branch: 
>1) Downgrading from 2.0-alpha1(kde4) to 1.0-beta2(kde3) it's not possible. I 
>mean, krecipes 1.0-beta2 will refuse to open databases created by 1.0-beta2, 
>beacause 2.0-alpha1 uses a 0.96 database and 1.0-beta2 uses a 0.95 database. 
>The only way to downgrade is doing a backup before the upgrade 
>2) I want to make easy (i.e. without switching the database) the downgrade 
>explained in 1) since it will be useful for beta-testers.
>3) A fortunate thing: the current 1.0 branch contains an 1.0-beta2 slightly 
>modified to support a 0.96 database. Releasing this branch as krecipes-1.0.0 
>will solve the problem explained in 1)
>4) I'm not going to release krecipes-1.0.0 right now because it will be 
>horribly hackish and I don't have enough time to do it. I'm considering to 
>release it in the future.

Finally, I decided not to release this version in order to reach the stable 
status for 2.0 as soon as possible. 1.0-beta2 is the "de facto" stable.

>During July and August and part of September I will be a bit busy, so I'm 
>planning to go back to work on krecipes about September 20th. Hopefully, I 
>will release a 2.0-beta before the end of the year.

Finally, I came up with some commits during summer, so I'm releasing this work 
as alpha2. See the changelog for details.

About the status of the project: There are various functionalities quite 
untested, so, I'm planning for the next release to update the user manual and 
fix bugs at the same time. Hopefully, the next version will be beta1 and  will 
have an updated user manual and some improvements/bug fixes.

Last, note that krecipes is not on string freeze yet. Probably the string 
freeze will come with the next release, but I can't promise anything yet.

Cheers, J.M.

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