[Kde-extra-gear] Help with releasing KMLDonkey 0.11

Eike Hein hein at kde.org
Wed Jun 18 14:09:53 CEST 2008

Sebastian Sauer wrote:
> Hi * :)
> beside being for so many years part of KDE and beside co-releasing KOffice 
> 1.5.x I still have no clue what steps I would need to do to release a new 
> KDE3-version of KMLDonkey.
> Any hint or probably a link to some short release-intro (automake for KDE3 and 
> cmake for KDE4) how to get the release done? Thanks in advance :)

Hi Sebastian,

for KDE 3 releases of my apps I use the "svn2dist" script from
kdesdk/scripts. For KDE 4 releases, there's "create_tarball.rb"
in playground/utils/createtarball.

svn2dist will operate on an existing checkout of your toplevel
module and app dir, and then fetch translations and documenta-
tion and generate a tarball. Documentation for the script is
found inside.

create_tarball.rb will fetch everything itself. It has some
command line options you can find out when running it, but is
mostly controlled by a plain text config file found in the
same SVN dir that you need to customize to do the right thing
for your app.

Then, after generating the tarball, you have to publish it
somewhere. Konversation and Yakuake host their downloads on
Berlios, but Toma recently found out upon my request that it's
possible to host stuff on ftp.kde.org[1].

Once you've published your release, you ought to update the in-
formation on the Extragear websites, which are found in trunk/
www/areas/extragear. Once that is done, you could send a mail
to the kde-announce-apps at kde.org mailing list, including a
short description, release notes and relevant links. And then
update KDE-Apps.org, Freshmeat, Wikipedia and other pages where
your app may be listed.

Eike Hein, hein at kde.org

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