[Kde-extra-gear] Release howto

Aurelien Gateau aurelien.gateau at free.fr
Fri Sep 23 00:58:18 CEST 2005


I announced a few days ago I would write a small documentation about the 
branches. Here it is.

I decided to go a bit further and document the release process, as far as 
extragear is concerned. This howto merges some stuff from 
http://extragear.kde.org/home/docs.php and add a few other things.

Concerning the format, for now it is a plain text file, rather than HTML. 
Having an HTML documentation is nicer, but I fear less people will update/fix 
it so I suggest to put this file as is in trunk/extragear/ and to either:
- link to it from the website, with an URL like this:
- include it via php, like this:

But if you prefer it to be pure HTML, I could just merge this with 

Attached is a first version. Please let me know what you think about it.

-------------- next part --------------

There is a script in extragear/scripts/ called createPackage.sh. It will
checkout your application from the trunk and create a tarball for it. It
accepts various options, run it with --help for the first time.

One important option is the --admin which can be usefull to you if your
application does not build with the current admin dir.


extragear.kde.org is hosted in KDE SVN, in www/areas/extragear. In this dir you
should update/create the following files:

- apps/[yourapp].xml
  A brief description of your application. Copy an existing file to create your
  It will be used to provide a summary of your application on
- apps/[yourapp]/index.php
  The homepage of your application.
  This page will be available from extragear.kde.org/apps/[yourapp]/
  Of course, you are free to create other files in apps/[yourapp], like images
  or other pages.

- inc/appinfo.inc
  Contains the "developer" deadlines for your application. For example "String
  freeze" and "Release date". This file contains one PHP variable per

inc/appinfo.inc can be used in your homepage like this:
$site_root = "../../";
include ($site_root."inc/appinfo.inc");
$thisapp = &$name_of_your_app_in_appinfo;
include ($site_root."inc/appheader.inc");
Bla bla
include ("footer.inc");


Send an email to kde-i18n-doc(at)kde.org announcing the string freeze dates. If
you are not subscribed, be sure to ask that they CC you and/or monitor the list
for a while using a service like gmane.org.


"trunk" and "branches/stable" are layouted like this:

extragear/[section]/[app]/[code files]

l10n/[lang]/messages/extragear-[section]/[po files]
            docmessages/extragear-[section]/[po files]
            docs/extragear-[section]/[app]/[doc files]

To branch the code and original documentations, use these commands:

svn copy https://[login]@svn.kde.org/home/kde/{trunk,branches/stable}/extragear/[section]/[app]

svn copy https://[login]@svn.kde.org/home/kde/{trunk,branches/stable}/extragear/[section]/doc/[app]

Since these "svn copy" are server-side, you will be prompted for a commit
message for each command.

To branch the translations, you should use the update_l10n_stable.sh script
which can be found in extragear/scripts. This script takes a few options (run
it with --help for more info). It will checkout the branches/stable version of
your application translations and will update them with the version from trunk.

When the script is done, you should review the changes with "svn status" in the
checkout dir, then run "svn commit".

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