[Kde-extra-gear] Let's resolve the stable tag/branch and i10n issue

Sebastian Trueg sebastian at trueg.de
Thu Jun 2 14:41:21 CEST 2005

Hi everybody,

at the moment I am talking (well, not really talking, we are writing mails
;) to Stephan Kulow about the whole translations in the stable branch
thing.I really like to be able to allow translators to work on the stable k3b
translations after a release. That's why I need a stable extragear i10n
Now I think there are three main "where" questions to be resolved:

1. Where do we put our stable branch?
   is what I think would be best.
   this way we would have the same dir structure as in trunk (easy for
   our script) and everything can be found in branches/stable

2. Where do we put the translation files?
   As far as I can see this should be decided based on what scripty
   (and thus Coolo) needs.
   There already is a stable i10n branch. What about integrating the
   extrageartranslations into that one? Just like in the trunk. (I
   don't see why there should be another dir structure than in the trunk
   anywhere anyway.)

3. Where do we put the doc files?
   I think (again) like in the trunk: something like:

Now all that dealt with branches. Then there is the stable tag. That has
nothing to do with scripts but needs a proper place, too.And that we already seem to have:
but again the docs question:
- do we put the docs in
  or (like amarok) in
(I don't case too much because I don't see the use of the stable tag anyway.)

I think that's all. Please tell me your opinion so we can resolve this one
quickly and have a proper extragear documentation/translation handling.
And of course if I missed anything (and that's quite likely ;) tell me.


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