[Kde-extra-gear] bksys

Henrique Pinto henrique.pinto at kdemail.net
Tue Jul 5 20:40:44 CEST 2005

Em Ter 05 Jul 2005 15:41, Joris Guisson escreveu:
> If this is to much of a change, I can still keep maintaining the
> Makefile.am's and do an occasional automake compile test.

That would be good. One of the tradeoffs of being part of KDE is that you HAVE 
to use the KDE infrastructure. Probably, many things will break if you don't. 
I believe scripty, for example, requires Makefile.am's (at least that's why I 
think the messages targets exist).

The ideal situation would be to continue using and supporting the KDE build 
system. It won't last long anymore, and perhaps you can even help in the 
discussions about the new one. Moving to a non-standard build system will 
probably bring more problems than benefits.

 Henrique Pinto
 henrique.pinto at kdemail.net

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