[Kde-extra-gear] Re: release cycles

Klas Kalass kde-extra-gear@mail.kde.org
Fri, 7 Feb 2003 11:33:30 +0100

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Am Dienstag, 4. Februar 2003 23:48 schrieb Aurelien Gateau:
> To avoid this, we need to make it clear to all translator teams that they
> should not start to work on an Extra Gear application before it's frozen.
> This also means that all Extra Gear developers must define and respect
> message freeze periods before they release their apps, at least if they
> ever want to get translations :-)
> The website is a good way to keep translators aware of the application
> status, especially with the brand new statistic system. Problem is, I gue=
> most translators haven't heard about it. We should advertise about it.
I second that. I will probably write a letter to their ML in a few days. Do=
you think we should also make a story on dot.kde.org? For that I would pref=
to have a status for more applications, though.

> It
> would also be good to describe our "policy" on the website.
OK, I added a small info on the about page. And then there is the Docs page=
where I put a reminder for what to do when an app is released. Please=20
everybody feel free to add whatever you see fit.

> The other effective mean of communication is kde-i18n-doc@kde.org. Before
> releasing Gwenview 0.16.0, I announced the start and stop of the message
> freeze there. It worked quite well and I didn't get any angry replies to =
> messages.
:-) Good, so we can recommend this.

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