[Kde-events] my personal cebit review

Daniel Molkentin daniel at molkentin.de
Wed Mar 21 23:05:07 CET 2007


as I write these lines, I am sitting in the train back home. We (Franz, 
Andreas and I) packed up the booth and delivered the booth box to the 
Credativ booth, who will return in to the Credativ headquaters. Let me add / 
comment some of your points Alex:

Am Dienstag 20 März 2007 schrieb Alexander Neundorf:
> What was good:
> --------------
> -we had lots of CDs/DVDs to give away, mostly kubuntu and SUSE

As we had a lot of spare CDs/DVDs which didn't fit into the booth box (and 
because e.g. edgy might be outdated at the next event), I passed the 
remaining ones on to Franz. He will use them at an upcoming local event in 

> -our booth was very well staffed, every day at least 4 people

Towards the end, we had 3-2 people at the booth. But that was perfectly fine 
given the limiting factor to satisfy customers was the lack of more demo 
points (and therefore the available booth space).

> -with Melissa, Tobias and Steven we had three first-time contributors who
> did a good job :-)

Same, for Andreas and Franz. They were truely dedicated.
> What can be improved:
> ---------------------
> -T-shirts, pins and bags were sold out on saturday afternoon, so having
> more of them would have been even better. But actually this were around 30
> T shirts, I think that's actually already quite much. But more K-pins would
> definitely have been good.

I basically bought out our delivery shop on monday, when I express-ordered new 
shirts and pins. They arrived on tuesday morning, so we could sell them. 
However, the T-Shirts are almost entirely sold out again (except for S-Size), 
Pins are still available. 

> -we received KDE business oriented flyers on friday, this was better than
> none at all. They should now last for some time. We need more types of
> flyers (home users, developers, other contributors).


> -we had a A3 "poster" inviting people to donate. I'll put this into svn
> RSN. Having one in A2, maybe laminated would be even better.

On a positive note, I have the donations with me. I'll count them when I'm 
back home and pass them on to the KDE account. I think it's at least 300 
Euros, playing a good share of the cost of this event.

> What was not so good:
> ---------------------
> -we didn't have generic KDE business cards/nametags. Having a bigger amount
> of nameless cards in the boothbox so that the booth people who don't have
> their own KDE business cards can write their name on them would be really
> good and shouldn't be too expensive either. So we had to "pimp" some of my
> cards with white tape to cover my name and write the respective names over
> it.

Yes, we need a good solution for this. I'd also like to propose to have metal 
tags like the debian folks for those attending events on a regular basis. 
This looks a lot nicer than a fat nametag.

All in all I think this was a very successful event, especially considering 
the fact that there was no single person attending all days who acted as a 
local coordinator. We need to improve communication and planning for this a 
bit, though. But I think if we get the boothbox stuff sorted out, that'd be 
90% of the rent.

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