[Kde-events] logo 4 poloshirts

Fabrice Mous kde-events@mail.kde.org
Tue, 7 Jan 2003 18:02:09 +0100

Op dinsdag 7 januari 2003 18:03, schreef Martijn Klingens:
> On Monday 06 January 2003 18:47, Fabrice Mous wrote:
> > Remember that these will be embroidered as a logo 5x5 cm
> >
> > Please tell me your opinion on this
> The colours differ from the current KDE look, is that on purpose or are=
> using the older colours that were used in the earlier betas?
> Compare these two images, the yellow/gray one being the current logo.

Martijn I used the blue one (kmenu2.png) because I can reduce that to 2=20
colors. The other image (kmenu.png) has to many colours. I could use=20
kmenu.png but than the "Crystal effect" will be gone and I have to reduce=
that to 2 colors.=20

Think about that ... but if thats more preferred than why not=20

Anyone opinions on this?
