feature request for ktouch

Andreas Nicolai andreas.nicolai at gmx.net
Tue Nov 12 09:44:10 GMT 2024

Hi Hesam Khalil,

thanks for your feedback and interest in KTouch. In principle, this is
not much work on the technical side. KTouch does show the keys to be
typed, bot not the actual finger associated with it (this is only
indicated by the color bands).

So if you could provide us with training material (I assume that one
handed typing will need to be learned in a slightly different way?), we
could just add a training lecture for that.

Unfortunately, I am no export on one handed training and I don't know
how this works for Arabic, so some help would be needed here. Regarding
the finger positioning: for efficient one-handed training, I assume that
the fingers may not be always mapped/fixed to the same keys, as it is
for two-handed typing. For example, when you type the word 'loophole'
left handed, you will likely press the "h" key with the little finger.
However, if you type 'harvest' you will position your hand further to
the left of the keyboard and type the 'h' with the index finger.

But as I said, I'm no expert on this and I would need to study this
subject a bit more before putting it into code. If you could get me some
material on this, I'd look into this (time permitting).

Bye and all the best from Dresden, Germany,


Am 11.11.24 um 08:32 schrieb hesham khalil:
> First of all thanks for your hard work (the entire kde team including
> ktouch team) .
> I have a request: can you add one handed touch typing to ktouch .
> i know that typing club already offer this feature but only for the
> english language
> In my case I also need a one handed Arabic language course .
> thanks

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