D29325: Implemented Bahtinov mask focus assistant, fix compiler warnings (in fpackutil.c and modcalcvizequinox.cpp)

Eric Dejouhanet noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Mon May 4 09:59:31 BST 2020

TallFurryMan added a comment.

  My initial mail was blocked for moderation, sorry for this weird reply:
  > Patrick, could you share the result of "git log HEAD" (without the patch part, only the header so we see the committer and the author) ?
  >  My KDE user is "TallFurryMan" but my profile name there is "Eric Dejouhanet". More importantly I think, my email is the same in my commits and in my profile.

  R321 KStars

  new_bahtinov_attempt (branched from master)


To: astrorunner, #kstars, TallFurryMan, mutlaqja
Cc: lancaster, astrorunner, mutlaqja, TallFurryMan, kde-edu, narvaez, apol
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