D24257: PHD2 Enhancements

Robert Lancaster noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Mon Sep 30 05:01:54 BST 2019

lancaster added a comment.

  "Personally, I do not like it when the FITS viewer pops up with the image from the guiding camera - no matter in what state Ekos and PHD2 are. I am not fully aware of all the consequences what happens if it is turned off."
  I think I just fixed this.  The method that was being used to disable PHD2 and Linguider before can be used to just turn off PHD2 cameras, until the camera is properly configured by my method.  So I think this meets what you were looking for.  Please check to see if it works better.

  R321 KStars



To: lancaster, mutlaqja, alexcherney, TallFurryMan, wreissenberger
Cc: hansl, wreissenberger, kde-edu, narvaez, apol
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