D24257: PHD2 Enhancements

Eric Dejouhanet noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Fri Sep 27 07:01:33 BST 2019

TallFurryMan added a comment.

  I have a small request : when phd2 is not started and Ekos starts, Ekos will keep the guider module disconnected as expected. But when Ekos requests the guider module to start guiding, I think no attempt to connect again is made. Could this be added in? This would improve robustness. Well that can be another diff of course.


> guide.cpp:548
>          return;
> -    if (guiderType != GUIDE_INTERNAL)
> +    if (guiderType == GUIDE_LINGUIDER)
>      {

Switch case might have been appropriate now that all cases are distinct.

> guide.cpp:595
> +    {
> +        QString log = i18n("PHD2's current camera: %1, is NOT connected to Ekos.  ").arg(phd2Guider->getCurrentCamera());
> +        if(Options::guideRemoteImagesEnabled())

As a side note, this will be the case in my obs, so that branch will tested in my environment. I think the option "receive external guide frames" is confusing and should be renamed (no action from your part, warning is OK).

  R321 KStars


To: lancaster, mutlaqja, alexcherney, TallFurryMan
Cc: wreissenberger, kde-edu, narvaez, apol
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