D23762: Improving Astrometry Conf file support for Linux and OS X

Jasem Mutlaq noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sat Sep 7 09:42:49 BST 2019

mutlaqja requested changes to this revision.
mutlaqja added inline comments.
This revision now requires changes to proceed.


> ksutils.cpp:1336
> +    QStringList dataDirs;
> +    QString confPath = KSUtils::getAstrometryConfFilePath();

This now defaults to the internal configuration file on Linux, so if the file does not exist the open file below fails and the user gets a warning about it. The expected behavior is to generate the internal config file without any messages.

> ksutils.cpp:1344
>                                     "configuration file full path in INDI options.",
>                                     Options::astrometryConfFile()));
> +        return dataDirs;

Options::astromtryConfFile() is not the same as confPath which leads to more confusion for the user.

> opsastrometryindexfiles.ui:3815
>    <include location="../../data/kstars.qrc"/>
> +  <include location="../../data/kstars.qrc"/>
>   </resources>

added by mistake?

  R321 KStars


To: lancaster, mutlaqja
Cc: kde-edu, narvaez, apol
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