D25060: Fixing ASTAP Path on OS X and Setting Autostar as default for PHD2 Guiding

Hy Murveit noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Thu Oct 31 19:29:59 GMT 2019

murveit added a comment.

  Wolfgang: Re testing, if you look at the log, WITHOUT this change, even if the stars didn't "flip" after the meridian flip, you should see Ekos sending a "set_lock_position" message to PHD2 at some point after the meridian flip (I'm not sure what happens with the internal guider). If the simulator's stars are in the same position post-flip, then set_lock_position won't hurt it, but the message would still be there. This message is what screwed things up in "real life".
  With this fix, there should NOT be a "set_lock_position" command sent.
  I'll also try and test it "live" tonight with the auto-star button unchecked.

  R321 KStars


To: lancaster, mutlaqja
Cc: wreissenberger, murveit, kde-edu, narvaez, apol
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