D21291: Observatory module with basic dome and weather handling created

Eric Dejouhanet noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed May 29 07:24:06 BST 2019

TallFurryMan added a comment.

  Jasem created the branch "observatory_work" for this activity.
  So how does this work? From what I understand, you/me/devs need to make this branch live, breathing changes from master. Adding changes the generic way should be:
  1. Locally, configure and fetch the upstream repository (git fetch origin)
  2. If you don't have a local/observatory_work branch, check upstream/observatory_work out. No conflicts as it is new. (git checkout --track --branch observatory_work)
  3. If you already have a local/observatory_work branch, check it out and pull upstream/observatory_work changes into to. This may cause conflicts that you have to resolve. (git checkout observatory_work ; git pull)
  4. If there were conflicts, you now have a merge commit in local/observatory_work. Make a separate differential out of it to have origin/observatory_work catch up with the changes. (arc diff)
  5. If you are starting a new development activity, branch local/observatory_work into your work branch. (git checkout --track --branch activity__my_subject)
  6. If you are rebasing an existing activity, check it out and rebase local/activity__my_subject onto the changes that were pulled into local/observatory_work. (git checkout activity__my_subject ; git pull --rebase)
  7. Make a differential out of your changes. (arc diff or explicit arc diff --update <Dxx>)
  8. Rinse and repeat as the repository breathes.
  Note my checklist makes use of branch tracking to simplify the commands and document how the activities are linked. Changes potentially source from upstream/master, upstream/observatory_work and your local/observatory_work.

  R321 KStars



To: wreissenberger, mutlaqja, TallFurryMan
Cc: yurchor, kde-edu, narvaez, apol
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