D19095: Adding new Variable models for few backends

Alexander Semke noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sun Mar 3 16:26:43 GMT 2019

asemke added inline comments.


> rhighlighter.cpp:84
> -void RHighlighter::updateHighlighting()
> +void RHighlighter::addUserDefinition(const QStringList& names, QVector<QRegExp>& vector)
>  {

can the functions addUserDefinition(), removeUserDefinition(), addUserVariable(), removeUserVariable(), addUserFunction() and removeUserFunction() be moved to the base class DefaultHighlighter?

> rsession.cpp:79
> -    m_variableModel->clearVariables();
> -    m_variables.clear();
> -    m_functions.clear();
> +    RVariableModel* model = static_cast<RVariableModel*>(variableModel());
> +    model->clearVariables();

why do you need to cast here?

> rsession.cpp:134
>      RHighlighter *h=new RHighlighter(parent);
> -    connect(h,SIGNAL(syntaxRegExps(QVector<QRegExp>&,QVector<QRegExp>&)),this,SLOT(fillSyntaxRegExps(QVector<QRegExp>&,QVector<QRegExp>&)));
> -    connect(this,SIGNAL(symbolsChanged()),h,SLOT(refreshSyntaxRegExps()));
> -    connect(this,SIGNAL(syntaxRegExpsFilled()), h, SLOT(updateHighlighting()));
> +    RVariableModel* model = static_cast<RVariableModel*>(variableModel());
> +    connect(model, &Cantor::DefaultVariableModel::variablesAdded, h, &RHighlighter::addUserVariable);

why do you need to cast here?

> juliasession.h:112
>      /// Variable management model
> -    Cantor::DefaultVariableModel *m_variableModel;
> -    static const QRegularExpression typeVariableInfo;
> +    JuliaVariableModel *m_variableModel;
> +    bool m_needUpdate;

m_variablModel? Why not to use the model from the base class?

> maximasession.cpp:126
>      m_process = nullptr;
> -    m_variableModel->clear();
> +    MaximaVariableModel* model = static_cast<MaximaVariableModel*>(variableModel());
> +    model->clearVariables();

why this cast?

  R55 Cantor


To: sirgienko, asemke
Cc: kde-edu, asemke, narvaez, apol
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