D22446: Adding error handling strategy control to Scheduler

Wolfgang Reissenberger noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sun Jul 14 15:27:42 BST 2019

wreissenberger added a comment.

  We need to decide whether we want the scheduler to be able handling multi-day schedules (as currently, without this change) or being able to restart immediately aborted jobs. The latter is important for a robust scheduling during nights with some clouds, where a job gets aborted, but may be continue, as soon as the cloud has passed by.


> wreissenberger wrote in scheduler.cpp:3165
> Oops, multi-day schedules? That's tricky.

I'm afraid with multi-day schedules we have a conceptual problem with manually sorted lists. As soon as a job reaches its completion time we need to change the order. Otherwise re-scheduling it to the next day would mean that the following job is also postponed to the next day. 
From that perspective, it makes sense shifting aborted jobs behind the scheduled ones. But this behavior conflicts with the option to immediately restarting an aborted job.
Personally, I would opt to resolve multi-day schedules differently - e.g. by an external cron job. Otherwise we would lose the ability to restart aborted jobs immediately - which I see as essential having a robust schedule in nights with clouds.

> wreissenberger wrote in scheduler.cpp:3191
> Maybe neither COMPLETE nor ABORTED. What about if we set it to EVALUATION?

I have to correct, EVALUATION does not help - see comment above. If we have the option for immediate restart selected, aborting a job with completion time exceeded leads to the situation, that it is scheduled for the following day and the next job as consequence will be shifted to the next day as well - which is not the desired behavior.

  R321 KStars


To: wreissenberger, mutlaqja, TallFurryMan
Cc: kde-edu, narvaez, apol
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