D17945: Tutorial screen added for odd even activity

Johnny Jazeix noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sun Feb 10 14:14:59 GMT 2019

jjazeix added inline comments.


> Tutorial4.qml:29
> +    isEven: false
> +    question: qsTr("Choose the odd number")
> +    evenNumber: "59"

the question should be handled directly in TutorialBase.
isEven ? qsTr() : qsTr()

> TutorialBase.qml:65
> +                     onClicked: {
> +                         if(isEven) {
> +                              message.text = qsTr("Great")

are you sure you need to display the same text in if and in else?

> TutorialBase.qml:85-86
> +                          onClicked: {
> +                              if(isEven) {
> +                                   message.text = qsTr("No,this is not an even number.")
> +                              }

missing space after ","

> TutorialBase.qml:106
> +            id: evenNumber
> +            text: " "
> +            fontSize: hugeSize

it should not be a space. Either don't have a default value or set "" (which is the same but better not put anything if not needed)

  R2 GCompris


To: dekumar, #gcompris_improvements, jjazeix
Cc: echarruau, amankumargupta, jjazeix, kde-edu, narvaez, apol
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