D23189: Table to fill Precalculated Stats for Two Sample Independent Z-Test

Stefan Gerlach noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Fri Aug 16 08:18:28 BST 2019

sgerlach added a comment.

  Looks already quite good. Just some minor comments from me.


> CorrelationCoefficient.cpp:343
> +void CorrelationCoefficient::performChiSquareIndpendence(bool calculateStats) {
> +	Q_UNUSED(calculateStats);
>  }

please add a TODO comment if the implementation is not finished

> HypothesisTest.cpp:136
> +		}
> +		case TwoSamplePaired:
> +		case OneSample:

are these cases not implemented yet? If you only consider TwoSampleIndependent please use an if statement.

> HypothesisTest.cpp:184
> +
> +			col1Name = "1";
> +			col2Name = "2";

this is set twice, right? If it's constant you can initialize the QStrings with it.

  R262 LabPlot


To: devanshuagarwal, sgerlach, asemke
Cc: yurchor, kde-edu, #labplot, narvaez, apol
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