Sonification of KmPlot?

Rich Morin rdm at
Mon Apr 29 03:28:31 BST 2019

> On Apr 28, 2019, at 18:00, Aleix Pol <aleixpol at> wrote:
> What kind of use cases do you have in mind?

I'm not really sure about use cases; I'm mostly just investigating
possibilities at this point.  I think it would be useful for blind
students to be able to explore functions interactively, using sound
rather then sight.  However, I'm extremely vague on the details.

> And formats?

A blind friend of mine says that mathematical notation was a problem
for her in school.  LaTeX is text-based, and she was able to use that
with some success.  It appears that KAlgebra also uses text-based
(code-like) notation, which could work well with a braille display.

As far as output formats go, my preference would be to use something
structured (and thus, extensible and somewhat self-documenting) and
widely accepted.  So, maybe JSON?  Note that most end users would not
interact with this format directly; rather, it would be used to drive
some sort of exploratory sonification front end.

> We could look into implementing something along the lines with
> KAlgebra, but I wouldn't know where to begin.

Frankly, neither do I, but I've printed out the KALgebra manual:

I plan to peruse it and will get back to you with any notions
that seem worth discussing.


P.S.  The manual contains assorted notation and diagrams that are not
blind-accessible.  Might it be available in a text-based format (e.g.,
HTML, LaTeX, Markdown)?

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