Minuet in C major major

Sandro Andrade sandroandrade at kde.org
Mon Sep 3 14:22:32 BST 2018

On Sun, Sep 2, 2018 at 9:37 PM Lucas Henrique Tavares Monteiro <
lucashtm at id.uff.br> wrote:

> Hello everyone!

Hey Lucas :)

> That was a terrible pun I'm sorry. My name is Lucas Monteiro, I'm a
> Computer Science student at Universidade Federal Fluminense, and I'm
> willing to work together with Karina Mochetti, professor at Universidade
> Federal Fluminense and Tomaz Canabrava, Jedi master, to develop a new pitch
> and tempo recognition feature in Minuet, this amazing musical education KDE
> project.
> Stay tuned for more news about project's progress. Hope I'm as helpful to
> the community as it is helpful to me.

Nice to hear that and welcome to KDE-edu :)

I guess by "pitch and tempo recognition" you mean the "singing and clapping
capabilities" idea I described in this page?

Let me know if you want to discuss some technicalities, mostly regarding
addressing cross-platform issues in Minuet, before effectively starting
doing some coding.


> Peace.
> - Lucas Monteiro: lucashtm at id.uff.br
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