D15841: Massive octave session and expression refactoring

Nikita Sirgienko noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Fri Oct 19 13:21:29 BST 2018

sirgienko marked an inline comment as done.
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> sirgienko wrote in octavesession.cpp:313
> This is not very good solution, but i have no idea, how I exit from octave "user input requrested" mode without errors. 
> Better, if we could write something, that finish expression and go in 'line.contains(m_promt)' branch or more usefull error (without `)]'"` in end).
> I also think about `additionInputRequsted` signal, but it's not very good solution: we split command in two different input field in this case.

Printing "Syntax Error", I think, enough informative.

  R55 Cantor


To: sirgienko, asemke, filipesaraiva
Cc: kde-edu, filipesaraiva, asemke, narvaez, apol
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