D14942: Update job completion counts, and fix regression on job rescheduling.

Eric Dejouhanet noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed Oct 3 15:34:44 BST 2018

TallFurryMan added a comment.

  In D14942#335844 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D14942#335844>, @wreissenberger wrote:
  > Hi Eric,
  >  I get an error message from arc patch
  >   arc patch D14942
  >   Created and checked out branch arcpatch-D14942.
  >       This diff is against commit 018f6986f3887648a6f31f0597de063a53a92675, but
  >       the commit is nowhere in the working copy. Try to apply it against the
  >       current working copy state? (40d75559189dabe735a9f9e55c0641ba86a58ef7)
  > Should I continue or otherwise where could I get the missing commit? It does not seem to exist in the GIT master
  I'm sorry I have no idea... Is it that you should fetch the remote server before patching?

  R321 KStars


To: TallFurryMan, mutlaqja, wreissenberger
Cc: kde-edu, narvaez, apol
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