D11696: explore_farm_animals, In level 2, play first a jingle before the next animal sound

Timothée Giet noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Mon Mar 26 11:11:34 UTC 2018

timotheegiet added a comment.

  Héhé yes :)
  I also noticed that issue while fixing the layout on this activity recently, and planned to fix it at some point.
  So, thanks again for the patch, it's a good first step in the discussion.
  If you can try to adapt the changes according to our comments that would be great.
  Else we will do the needed changes to fix the issue.

  R2 GCompris


To: jonathand, #gcompris_activities, jjazeix, timotheegiet
Cc: timotheegiet, jjazeix, #kde_edu, himanshuvishwakarma, harrymecwan, ganeshredcobra, nityanandkumar, echarruau, rahulyadav, narvaez, scagarwal, apol, hkaelberer, bcoudoin
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