Proposal discussion for Cantor: Python 3 as the only backend officially supported

Filipe Saraiva filipe at
Tue Jan 9 13:25:30 UTC 2018

Hello Alex;

Em 08-01-2018 19:25, Alexander Semke escreveu:
>> My proposal is officially maintain only Python 3 backend, move the other
>> backends to a community/third-party repository and, if someone cares
>> about them, release some of them as extensions in KDE Store.
> Nobody, well, except of you, cares about them at the moment. Why should 
> this change if you move this code to KDE store?

The bug reports show there are some people using some of them. In order
to not remove completely these features, they can be released in KDE Store.

But I will not put these extensions there. Just in case someone cares
about them, this person will be accountable for do it - not me.

>> This way I can work better with Cantor.
>> Just to say, I tried in past solve it inviting developers to be
>> co-maintainers of the backends, but it does not work as I expected.
> This is understandable. At least for big players like python and julia 
> that have Jupyter, R that has R-Studio, Sage that has and 
> Octave and scilab with their own frontends. Why should the developers 
> from these communities care about Cantor?
> To attract more developers we need to improve Cantor greatly first and 
> to provide some benefits and advantages compared to other solutions. I 
> know, this is kind of a hen egg problem, but still..

In fact.

> Which backends are causing the most problems at the moment? Is it Sage? 
> Maxima?

R was broken for several years, but there is a fix now (not released
yet). Sage breaks for each new release. Julia had some problems with
previous versions. Lua has bugs after a new release.

Scilab was unstable for some previous releases but now it is working.
Octave and KAlgebra/Analitza are working fine, but the first one
sometimes had small bugs to be fixed. Python 2 and 3 are ok.

I don't know about the status of Maxima and Qalculate.


Filipe Saraiva

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