D17850: Tutorial screen added for odd even activity

Johnny Jazeix noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sat Dec 29 16:34:39 GMT 2018

jjazeix added inline comments.


> planegame.js:53
> +            {
> +                "instruction": qsTr("Odd numbers are those numbers which do not leaves remainder 0 when divisible by 2."),
> +                "instructionQml": "qrc:/gcompris/src/activities/planegame/resource/tutorial.qml"

do not leave

> tutorial.qml:1
> +
> +

missing copyright

> tutorial.qml:15
> +        anchors.centerIn: parent.Center
> +        text: "For example: \n 15, 19, 51 , 65 , 103 , \n 119 , 169 , 185 , 505 , 533 , \n 701 , 799 , 845 , 897 , 1001. \n All of these numbers  are odd numbers as  they \n do not leave remainder 0 when divisible by 2."
> +        font.pixelSize: parent.height * 0.1

missing qsTr() for strings to translate

  R2 GCompris


To: dekumar, #gcompris_improvements
Cc: jjazeix, yurchor, kde-edu, narvaez, apol
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