D16429: Rewrite of Scheduler planning
Eric Dejouhanet
noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sun Dec 2 02:33:14 GMT 2018
TallFurryMan updated this revision to Diff 46662.
TallFurryMan edited the test plan for this revision.
TallFurryMan added a comment.
Complete list of changes. Job selection highlight is now under control.
- Fix move still possible just after enabling sort.
- Fix jobs not reset after move, refactor evaluation.
- Optimize UI refresh with manual content update after cell assignment refactoring.
- Refactor cell assignment when adding a new job or editing one.
- Reorder jobs automatically when "Sort Jobs by Altitude and Priority" is enabled.
- Add a few assertions.
- Fix management of score value zero, which is acceptable for observation.
- Rewrite dark sky score calculation to consider seconds at most when comparing times.
- Rewrite altitude score calculation to not modify the job startup time, move logs to caller.
- Fix altitude cutoff issue, rewrite calculateAltitudeTime.
- Fix altitude cutoff issue, rewrite calculateAltitudeScore.
- Fix stability of culmination search, rewrite calculateCulminationOffset.
- Rewrite getDarkSkyScore to use an argument date.
- Fix job reordering algorithm.
- Fix reset and evaluation of jobs when they are moved in the list.
- Rewrite Moon separation algorithm.
- Rewrite total score consolidation.
- Adjust weather score documentation.
- Integrity fixes for startup and estimated times of SchedulerJob.
- Remove logs for astronomical twilight.
- Fix for decimale display in altitude constraint log.
- Rewrite findAltitude to duplicate code.
- Rewrite calculateAltitudeTime.
- Make getDarkSkyScore const on Scheduler.
- Rewrite calculateCulmination to duplicate code.
- Make getWeatherScore const on Scheduler.
- Rewrite score calculations to duplicate code.
- Rewrite planning algorithm.
- Rewrote algorithm documentation.
- Fixes from Phabricator comments.
- Remove warning for infinite loop, and convert some logs in imaging duration.
- Refresh imaging duration after sequencing when job has repeats or loops.
- Add invariants for imaging time estimation, and fix some issues regarding duration.
- Fix rising/setting determination, hours are already considering LST and are in [0,24[ !!
- Add altitude and lead time columns to job table.
- Fixed unused minimum altitude to -90 instead of -1.
- Added lead time from a previous job to scheduler job.
- Change the job sorting predicate to consider rise/set, introduce manual sort and reset count when re-evaluating manually.
- Adjust lead and imaging time cell rendering and tooltip.
- Optimize altitude calculation when rendering cells and sorting.
- Fix job reordering and row selection (from Wolfgang).
- Rewrite pre-evaluation of jobs.
- Fix lead time tooltip.
R321 KStars
improve__visual_sort (branched from master)
To: TallFurryMan, mutlaqja, wreissenberger
Cc: yurchor, kde-edu, narvaez, apol
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