D14942: Connect new-image event to Scheduler imaging time estimator.

Eric Dejouhanet noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed Aug 29 20:42:34 BST 2018

TallFurryMan added a comment.

  Because that requires checking all jobs for sequences that include the signature matching the file name under which the capture was stored. That is indeed adding complexity, and duplicates what the code we are talking about is doing. And it requires a different signal than what we have today.
  Besides, capture storage is entirely outside of our control. We cannot be sure that when an image is signaled, the capture file is effectively stored because that's some other module that did it. We also have no control over what the end-user is doing in parallel, perhaps that person is checking and dropping frames (although it is debatable whether Scheduler should be affected by this). In the future, that capture storage may be a a remote database with which we interact through a REST API, who knows? (astrobin I'm looking at you)

  R321 KStars

  improve__scheduler_image_update (branched from master)


To: TallFurryMan, mutlaqja, wreissenberger
Cc: kde-edu, narvaez, apol
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